Erasmus University of Rotterdam; a short guide to the student life

Chrisa Lepida | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Continuing my “Promoting Erasmus and studying abroad” pages, I now introduce you to the University of **Rotterdam. **Let’s suppose that you are an Erasmus student or in general a student planning to study abroad for a semester or so. **What are the factors that you would take into consideration before choosing your next destination and university? **How would you organise your background research? What are the things that you’d love to know about your university in advance? Here’s a short research I did about one of the biggest universities in the Netherlands that welcomes thousands of Erasmus students every year.

Welcome to the Erasmus University of Rotterdam!

Erasmus University Rotterdam is a highly ranked, international research university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam. Founded in 1913, it is currently one the biggest universities of the Netherlands with a student population of 23,000 and a research community of circa 1,400. Scholars and students in seven faculties and two institutions work on global social challenges in the areas of:health, wealth, governance & culture.** The quality of research at Erasmus University, named after Rotterdam-born humanist and theologian Erasmus, is reflected in its consistent top-100 position in most major universities rankings. **On the lively, modern campus, students and scholars of more than 100 nationalities are constantly encouraged to develop their talents and meet their ambition.

The life in the city

Known as the "Gateway to Europe", Rotterdam, located in the South of the Netherlands, is a world famous higher education hub which attracts** international students** in large numbers every year. Rotterdam hosts a multicultural student population in a dynamic environment where expatriates can easily adapt.** It is the perfect destination for those who are looking for internship or professional opportunities.** The city is leading almost every international travel list in the world and even people from the capital are moving to live here. Why?** Simply because you can feel the change and the creative vibe that attracts young and creative people from all over the world!**

The best way to discover the city is by a bike. Rotterdam is not a very big city but it offers lots of beautiful places to visit. It also offers not just architecture but art, awesome food and cultural offers.

Life tips;

1) Learn some of the language. Of course, most Dutch people can speak English fluently but showing that you are at least trying to speak their language will go a long way. 2**) Get a bike. It’s just a MUST. You can’t adjust into the Dutch culture without a bike! 3) Visit more places than just Rotterdam. The Netherlands has lots to offer. It’s not all just coffee shops and red light districts. 4) Be careful crossing the street.** Well, that goes for every country right?** 5. Enjoy your time abroad!**

Housing and accommodation;

First things first: student housing in the Netherlands is not arranged for you by the university; it is your own responsibility and this can be a surprise and a struggle for some of you. Student housing in Rotterdam will usually mean sharing a flat: you’ll have your own bedroom, but share the rest. Also, men and women live together in such flat shares (if you prefer not to, make this known). Housing in Rotterdam is not cheap – rents can vary between 500 and 750 – and additional costs (electricity, water, gas, municipal taxes) are not always included…Rotterdam is a big city!

And a few extra websites that you might wanna keep in mind while searching for accommodation;

Important info;

Average rental in shared accommodation; 500 euros. Monthly transportation subscription; 90 euros . Monthly food cost; 226 euros. Average lunch price at a restaurant; 15 euros.** Average Fitness subscription;** 28 euros. Beer Price at a bar; 4 euros.

..and of course do not forget to join the local ESN community!

ESN works in the interest of all international students, not just for Erasmus students. ESN offers a clear introductory programme for all international students to introduce them to the laws, rules and customs of their host country.

Pack your bags and choose Rotterdam as your Erasmus or studying abroad destination! Cheers!

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