Anano Chikhradze | Live the World
November 23, 2022
The Mushthaid Garden is one of the oldest recreation centers in Tbilisi**. The history of this place is connected with Mir-Fatah-Agha, who arrived in Georgia** from Iran. He was a religious leader of Shiites – Mujtahidd in Azerbaijan, that was on the territory of *Iran *at that time. So, the name of the garden originates from there.
According to the historical records, Mir-Fatah-Agha started working with Russia**,** and that is why Iranian Shah forced him to leave the territory of Iran. Mir-Fatah-Agha arrived in** Tbilisi**, where a representative of the king gave him 5 hectares of the land as a gift. As we believe, his wife was a Georgian woman Nino. He bought her in Persia on the market of captives.
Mir-Fatah-Agha decided to settle down in** Tbilisi **because his wife asked him so. However, when Nino found out that her parents were not alive anymore, she suffered from the severe depression, and finally, she died as well. He buried his beloved wife in the garden that was located in front of their house. Mir-Fatah-Agha wanted to express his love for her, so he gradually transferred his front yard into a wonderful garden, which surrounded Nino’s grave.
Years later, when Persian Mir-Fatah-Agha decided to go back to his country, he sold his house with this garden. After that, this place had several owners, but eventually, the whole property was handed over to the Government. In 1858, it was turned into a public recreation center. They tried to change its name several times; however, it stayed unchanged and nowadays, peoples still call it “The Mushthaid Garden.”
The Mushthaid Garden became a favorite place to relax for the residents of Tbilisi, especially for the children. There are several entertaining places, restaurants, cafes and a summer theatre.
People say that Nikala Pirosmani (a famous Georgian painter from Signagi**) saw a French singer and an actress Margarita on the stage of this theatre, and he fell in love.** Pirosmani** sold his house to buy her million roses. So their sad love story, that I have already told you about, started on this historical stage.
Many fascinating exhibitions were also held in the Mushthaid Garden. In 1882, the first air balloon flight in the whole Caucasus Region was performed from this garden. In 1935, they opened one of the first railways for the children in the Mushthaid Garden. A railway is 1.5 km long, and the train consists of four wagons. In addition to this, a planetarium was opened in 1950, which is another favorite place for kids.
Currently, the Mushthaid Garden is a place of happiness for children and a nice, relaxing place for parents. Visitors enjoy here a lot by trying different attractions. While in Tbilisi, if you have time, do not miss this beautiful recreation center.
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