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Kleines cafe Vienna

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Discover the Quirky Charm of Kleines Cafe in Vienna

Vienna, the capital city of Austria, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant coffeehouse culture. Tucked away in the heart of the city, near the famous Stephansdom, lies a hidden gem that captures the essence of Vienna's unique charm - Kleines Cafe.

A Place Where Quirkiness Meets Tradition

Featured in the iconic movie "Before Sunrise," Kleines Cafe has gained a reputation for being a special place where weird and unexpected things tend to happen. This cozy coffeehouse, located at Franziskanerplatz 3, exudes an unpretentious and welcoming atmosphere that has attracted a faithful clientele over the years.

A Historical Corner of Vienna

The history of Kleines Cafe is intertwined with the fascinating story of Franziskanerplatz. This square, which did not exist before 1624, was created when a house in front of the Franciscan church was demolished. The building that houses the cafe today has a unique architectural feature - the top two floors were added in 1802, making it noticeably taller than its neighboring structures.

Architectural Marvels and Quaint Interiors

Designed by the renowned Austrian architect Hermann Czech in 1970, Kleines Cafe showcases inventive solutions to maximize space. The interior features leather booths separated by vertical marble partitions, with mirror panels strategically placed to create an illusion of spaciousness. The dimly lit and cozy ambiance adds to the cafe's charm, making it a perfect spot to relax and soak in the atmosphere.

A Coffeehouse Experience Like No Other

Despite its small size, Kleines Cafe offers a delightful coffeehouse experience that captures the essence of Viennese culture. Whether you choose to sit indoors or at one of the outdoor tables overlooking the charming Franziskanerplatz, you'll be treated to a warm and inviting atmosphere. Take a moment to observe the crowd, which includes stylish regulars who have been frequenting the cafe for years.

When to Visit Kleines Cafe

Kleines Cafe is a popular spot, so it's best to plan your visit accordingly. The cafe is bustling at all times, but if you want to secure a seat, try visiting during off-peak hours. During the warmer months, sitting outside allows you to enjoy the picturesque surroundings while sipping your coffee. However, don't miss the chance to step inside and experience the unique ambiance that makes Kleines Cafe truly special.

Explore the Surrounding Area

Located near Vienna's top attraction, the Stephansdom, Kleines Cafe offers a perfect opportunity to explore the surrounding area. Take a leisurely stroll through the historic streets, visit the nearby shops, or simply enjoy the architectural wonders that Vienna has to offer. The cafe's central location makes it a convenient starting point for further exploration of the city.


Kleines Cafe in Vienna is a hidden gem that captures the essence of the city's coffeehouse culture. With its quirky charm, historical significance, and unique architectural features, it offers a delightful experience for both locals and visitors. Whether you're a fan of the movie "Before Sunrise" or simply looking for an authentic Viennese coffeehouse experience, Kleines Cafe is a must-visit destination that will leave you with lasting memories of Vienna's enchanting atmosphere.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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