Someone had the bright idea of combining a historical, disused Belgian coal mine with an arts centre, and the result is pretty cool.
A unique mix of industrial heritage and art make Genk’s creative centre a fun and alternative experience. Built on the site of the Winterslag coal mine, C-mine combines the historical significance of Limburg’s mining industry, with a modern vision for repurposing old industrial infrastructure. C-mine’s history means that all of the protected monuments on the site have been maintained and repurposed. The site centres around the Energy Building, formerly the mine’s compressor rooms and fan building. There you’ll find the visitor’s reception, a culture and design centre and several restaurants.
Located roughly 3 kilometres north of Genk’s town centre, C-mine now offers a variety of activities. If you’re creatively inclined then C-mine has got you covered with theatre, dance, art and independent films on offer.
Want something a bit more adventurous? Get a ticket for the C-mine Expedition. Here, you descend into the old mining tunnels, making your way through a number of installations, including a virtual reality mining experience that takes you back to the 1950s.
Getting There
C-mine Energy Building: 08:00 to 19:00 C-mine Expedition: 10:00 to 17:00 (Tuesday - Sunday)
All seasons
C-mine Expedition: Adult ticket €8, child's (6-18) ticket €5, student ticket €5 and children under 6 go free.
Open; national COVID rules apply