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**Act like a spy and push your ear right up against the walls to hear its history in the fort’s museum. Make sure to check out the temporary exhibitions ranging from family friendly to artsy fartsy. **
These days Fort Napoleon is home to a little history museum and tons of temporary exhibits for all the family. If you’re looking to learn more about Ostend’s history, then hop on by. History lovers should drop in to see a Fort in good condition. Right now they’re holding the Tik Tak expo, so come on by for a peek back into that colourful world of your childhood.
Why is it called Fort Napoleon?
Well, it’s named after Napoleon Bonaparte (sidenote: he wasn’t actually short but that’s a story for another time). Napoleon expected the British to attack from Ostend’s port. As usual, the British didn’t do what was expected and didn’t attack from Ostend. Long story short, this fort was used to hold troops and weapons until being abandoned in 1814.
Getting There
1 Apr - 11 Nov, Tu to Su, 10:00 to 18:00
12 Nov - 31 Mar, Tu to Su, 10:00 to 17:00
All seasons
Adult 9€, Kids 6-12 7€, Kids under 6 free
Open; national COVID measures apply
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