Lovingly named the “sheep shack” by locals, Stadshal is an unusual architectural sight to see . This canopy has all kinds of events, concerts and markets going on so you’re sure to be able to find something to do! Interesting place to be for all the concerts and markets it hosts.
A modern landmark you really can’t miss. Love it or hate, Stadshal is here to stay. Designed by architect firm Robbrecht & Daem and architect Marie-José Van Hee, the sheep shack of Ghent often holds markets and concerts in its unique structure. Made from wood, concrete and glass, Stadshal is a sight to see in the main square.
Conveniently close to the Belfry of Ghent and Saint Nicholas' Church, Stadshal is often used to host local markets and concerts. Make it part of your Ghent journey!
Stand under the canopy at night to see all the lights on the ceiling to their full effect. Stadshal - or known by the locals as “schapenstal” aka sheep shack - is still a sight to see during the day, especially if something is on in Ghent’s square.
Family Friendly: Ghent won’t burst your bubble. Stadshal often has entertainers hanging out in the square, including a bubble blower. Bring the children along for some bubble fun.
Getting There
In the main square of Ghent, it’s best to park away and then walk into the heart of the city.
Check out the “schapenstal” during the weekends where you can find a bubble blower, free entertainment for the kids, couldn’t be better”
— Pita Black, Ghent local, family blogger on Instagram