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The Congress Column, Brussels

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The Congress Column: A Monument to Belgian History in Brussels

Brussels, the vibrant capital of Belgium, is a city steeped in history and culture. One of its most iconic landmarks is the Congress Column, also known as the Colonne du Congrès in French or Congreskolom in Dutch. This monumental column stands tall on the Place du Congrès, commemorating the formation of the Belgian state and constitution by the National Congress in 1830-1831.

Historical Significance

The Congress Column holds great historical significance for the Belgian people. It was erected between 1850 and 1859, on the initiative of Charles Rogier, the then-Prime Minister of Belgium. Inspired by Trajan's Column in Rome, the monument symbolizes the creation of the Belgian Constitution by the National Congress.

Architectural Marvel

Designed by the renowned architect Joseph Poelaert, the Congress Column stands at an impressive height of 47 meters. At the top of the column, you'll find a majestic statue of King Leopold I, Belgium's first monarch. The statue serves as a reminder of the country's rich royal heritage.

The Four Freedoms

Surrounding the pedestal of the statue, you'll discover statues representing the four freedoms guaranteed under the Belgian Constitution. These freedoms include freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of education. Each statue is a testament to the values that the Belgian people hold dear.

The Belgian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

At the foot of the Congress Column lies the Belgian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This solemn memorial, adorned with an eternal flame, pays tribute to the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country. It serves as a poignant reminder of the price of freedom.

Things to Do and See

Visitors to the Congress Column can climb the spiral staircase of 193 stairs located inside the column. This staircase leads to a platform surrounding the pedestal of the statue of King Leopold I. From this vantage point, you can enjoy panoramic views of Brussels and its surroundings.

When to Visit

The Congress Column is a must-visit attraction for history enthusiasts and architecture lovers alike. It is open to the public throughout the year, allowing visitors to explore its rich history and marvel at its grandeur. Whether you visit during the day or at night when the monument is beautifully illuminated, the Congress Column is sure to leave a lasting impression.


The Congress Column stands as a proud symbol of Belgian history and the values that the country holds dear. Its architectural beauty and historical significance make it a must-see attraction in Brussels. So, when you find yourself in the heart of the city, take a moment to visit the Congress Column and immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Belgium.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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