Cristo de la Concordia, Cochabamba Image

Cristo de la Concordia, Cochabamba

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Exploring the Majestic Cristo de la Concordia in Cochabamba

Perched atop San Pedro Hill in Cochabamba, Bolivia, stands the magnificent Cristo de la Concordia, also known as the Christ of Peace. This awe-inspiring statue of Jesus Christ is a sight to behold, standing at a towering height of 34.20 meters (112.2 ft) and a total height of 40.44 meters (132.7 ft) when including its pedestal. It is currently the highest statue of Jesus Christ in Latin America and the third highest in the world.

A Symbol of Peace and Unity

The Cristo de la Concordia holds great historical and cultural significance for the people of Cochabamba. It was built in the 1990s as a symbol of peace and unity in the aftermath of political unrest and social division. The statue serves as a reminder of the importance of harmony and understanding among different communities.

Marvel at the Architectural Features

Visiting the Cristo de la Concordia offers a unique opportunity to admire its architectural features up close. The statue is made of reinforced concrete and features intricate detailing, including outstretched arms that seem to embrace the city below. From the top of San Pedro Hill, visitors can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of Cochabamba and its surrounding landscapes.

Fun Facts and Nearby Attractions

Did you know that the Cristo de la Concordia is slightly larger than the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro? It is also the largest statue of any kind in the Southern Hemisphere. The statue covers a surface area of 2,400.00 meters (7,874.02 ft) and has 1,399 stairs leading to a viewing area inside.

While in Cochabamba, make sure to explore other nearby attractions such as the vibrant La Cancha market, where you can immerse yourself in the local culture and find unique souvenirs. The city is also known for its delicious cuisine, so be sure to try traditional Bolivian dishes like salteñas and anticuchos.

How to Reach the Cristo de la Concordia

To reach the Cristo de la Concordia, visitors can take a cable car ride or hike up the hill. The cable car ride provides a thrilling experience and offers stunning views along the way. Once at the top, visitors can explore the statue and its surroundings, which include a chapel and a museum showcasing the history and significance of the Cristo de la Concordia.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit the Cristo de la Concordia is during the dry season from May to October when the weather is pleasant and the views are clear. However, it's important to note that Cochabamba's climate can be unpredictable, so it's always a good idea to check the weather forecast before planning your visit.


Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply seeking a unique and spiritual experience, a visit to the Cristo de la Concordia is a must. This iconic landmark not only offers breathtaking views but also serves as a symbol of peace and unity. So, add it to your travel itinerary and prepare to be amazed by its grandeur and beauty.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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