Yup, you read it right! Prague has its own Sex Machine Museum! Now it’s up to you to go find out what’s inside.
Do you want to know what’s inside the world’s only museum devoted to Sex Machines? Well, today’s your lucky day because it’s located right here in Prague. The city that is known for its romantic vibe, cobblestone streets, and castles has a Sex Machine Museum. Prague has it all. It’s what keeps this city interesting, isn’t it?
Interested in going back in time to watch some erotic black and white films? You’re just in luck. Sit and relax in the old replica movie theatre and enjoy a classic old-school erotic film.
Your curiosity is about to come to life. Most things won’t make sense and half of it will be outright strange but at the end of the day, you’ll have a good laugh exploring the museum with a few friends.
Getting There
Open everyday, 10:00 to 19:00
All seasons
Adult 250 CZK, special discount rates available
Open; national COVID measures apply.