Turun biologinen museo / Biologiska museet i Åbo / Turku Biological Museum Image

Turun biologinen museo / Biologiska museet i Åbo / Turku Biological Museum

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Turun biologin museo on vuonna 1907 valmistunut luontomuseo. Museossa on esillä 13 luontomaisemaa eläimineen. Museo sopii vierailu- ja opintokohteeksi kaikenikäisille luonnosta ja kulttuurihistoriasta kiinnostuneille. Ennakkovarauksella myös opastettuja kierroksia.

Vuosittain järjestetään myös vaihtuvia pienoisnäyttelyjä ja erilaisia ​​tapahtumia. Museo on suosittu koulujen käyttämä opetuskohde and soveltuu hyvin myös pienemmille lapsille. Myös korkeakoulut käyttävät museota opetustarkoitukseen.

Opetusmateriaalia löytyy osoitteesta http://silta.turku.fi


The Biological Museum, completed in 1907, presents 13 natural landscapes with typical animals. The museum is an excellent destination and study for all those who like nature and cultural history.

The museum's current 13 exhibition departments present the Finnish fauna and flora from the archipelago of Turku to the mountains of Lapland. In total there are about thirty mammals and 136 species of birds that are permanently found in Finland.

The museum hosts annual exhibitions and various kinds of events each year. The popular museum is often visited by school classes and is also suitable for smaller children. The colleges also use the museum for educational purposes.


The Biological Museum of Turku is a museum of natural history established in 1907. The museum has 13 different sceneries with animals on display. The museum is a perfect destination for study excursions for all interested in nature and cultural history.

The museum's 13 sceneries exhibit Finnish animal world and plants all the way from the Turku archipelago to the fjord of Lapland. The Biological Museum has a total of 30 common Finnish mammals and 136 bird species on display.

Der er også varierende småskala udstillinger og andre typer arrangementer held på museumet hvert år. The museum is a popular visiting destination for school groups and it is also a suitable visiting destination for younger children as well. Institutions of higher education also use the museum for teaching purposes.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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