Aquarium tropical du Palais de la Porte Dorée Image

Aquarium tropical du Palais de la Porte Dorée

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The Tropical Aquarium Palace of the Golden Gate has thousands of fish, corals, invertebrates, reptiles and plants.

Here, you can admire fish from Asia, Indo-Pacific Ocean, South America, but also of the great African lakes. Some aquariums show "primitive" fish unchanged for millions of years, others illustrate modes of reproduction, nutrition or locomotion.

But there are also all kinds of butterfly fish, catfish, electric fish, piranhas, turtles, jellyfish, corals, multicolored rays, sharks, not to mention young Nile crocodiles and alligators of the Mississippi .. .

The Tropical Aquarium was established at the 1931 Colonial Exhibition to show the public aquatic wildlife colonies. It is installed in the basement of the Palace of the Golden Gate, the purest Art Deco style building covered facade of one of the greatest reliefs of Paris (1900 m²) which shows the contributions of the colonies to France.

The Palace of the Golden Gate now houses the tropical aquarium in the basement and the National History Museum of Immigration on the floors.

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Updated on 27 May 2024

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