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Galerie Loevenbruck

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Loevenbruck gallery opened its first showroom in 2001 in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 40 rue de Seine, 2 rue de Échaudé. Eager to keep the German-pratine identity, Loevenbruck gallery Exchange in 2010 and moves 6, rue Jacques Callot, a block from his old address, instead of Darthea Gallery Speyer (and previously the Surrealist gallery ), a place of 130 m2 which were shown during more than 40 years, some key artists in the history of contemporary art, as Nancy Spero, Leon Golub, Ed Paschke, Peter Saul or George Segal ...

The Loevenbruck editions published regularly since 2002 art books (Monographs: Bruno Peinado, "Myself, Me & I", 2012, Alain Declercq, 2010, Dewar & Gicquel, "Mason Massacre", 2009, Lang / Bauman, "Beautiful Book (1.1-7.8) ", 2008. artists' books in limited editions: Bruno Peinado," me Myself and I "- prices of the most beautiful french books, 2008-, morgane tschiember," - 978-2-916636- 00-5, 2007 "collective works. for example testing TEXT (E) S (Price of the most beautiful french books, 2009), in which 61 are published authors.

Artists represented permanently:

Virginie Barré Alain Declercq Robert Devriendt Dewar & Gicquel Blaise Drummond Jean Dupuy Gaillard & Claude Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux Lang / Baumann Edward survey Mayaux Gábor Ösz Michel Parmentier Bruno Peinado Werner Reiterer Stéphane Sautour børre sæthre Alina Szapocznikow morgane tschiember

Updated on 27 May 2024

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