Le Sentier du Littoral, Cap Antibes Image

Le Sentier du Littoral, Cap Antibes

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Discover the Breathtaking Beauty of Le Sentier du Littoral, Cap Antibes

If you're looking for a hidden gem along the French Riviera, Le Sentier du Littoral in Cap Antibes is a must-visit destination. This 5 km coastal walk offers breathtaking scenery and a chance to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Mediterranean coast. From stunning views to historical landmarks, there's something for everyone to enjoy along this picturesque trail.

A Scenic Journey Along the Coast

Le Sentier du Littoral takes you on a winding path that hugs the coastline, offering panoramic views of the azure waters and rugged cliffs. The trail starts at Plage de la Garoupe and continues on to Villa Eilenroc, but you can choose to start from either end. As a local resident, I recommend starting at Villa Eilenroc, as it allows you to have the sun behind you, enhancing the vibrant colors and making the views even more spectacular.

Uncover Historical Landmarks

As you make your way along the trail, you'll encounter several historical landmarks that add to the charm of Le Sentier du Littoral. The Garoupe lighthouse, perched at the highest point of the cape, offers panoramic views of the Golfe Juan and the Baie des Anges. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the ancient chapel of Notre Dame de Bon Port, located next to the lighthouse.

Immerse Yourself in Architectural Beauty

Le Sentier du Littoral also showcases the architectural beauty of the region. Along the trail, you'll pass by the imposing walls of the Garoupe and Croë castles, which provide a glimpse into the rich history of Antibes. These structures serve as a reminder of the region's past and offer a unique backdrop for your walk.

When to Visit

Le Sentier du Littoral can be enjoyed year-round, regardless of the weather. However, to fully appreciate the stunning views and vibrant colors, I recommend visiting during the spring or summer months. The mild climate of Antibes ensures pleasant temperatures, making it an ideal time to explore the trail.

Tips for Your Visit

To make the most of your experience on Le Sentier du Littoral, here are a few tips:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes: The trail can be uneven in some areas, so it's important to wear sturdy footwear.

  2. Bring a camera: The views along the trail are truly breathtaking, so don't forget to capture the beauty of the Mediterranean coastline.

  3. Plan your transportation: If you're visiting from nearby cities like Nice, consider taking the train or renting a car for a quicker and more convenient journey to Cap Antibes.


Le Sentier du Littoral in Cap Antibes is a hidden gem that offers a unique and unforgettable experience. From the stunning coastal views to the historical landmarks, this trail is a must-visit for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike. So, lace up your shoes, grab your camera, and embark on a journey along the Mediterranean coast that you won't soon forget.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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