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Passage des Panoramas

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Discover the Historic Passage des Panoramas in Paris

Paris is a city known for its charming streets, iconic landmarks, and hidden gems. One such gem is the Passage des Panoramas, the oldest surviving covered passage in the city. Built in 1799, this historic passage is a must-visit for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the rich history and unique atmosphere of Paris.

A Glimpse into the Past

The Passage des Panoramas is located in the 2nd arrondissement, nestled between the Montmartre boulevard and Saint-Marc street. It was one of the first covered commercial passageways in Europe, pioneering the concept of glazed roofing and gas lighting for illumination. This architectural innovation paved the way for the development of the gallerias and shopping malls we see today.

Historical Significance

Originally, the passage was built on the site of the town residence of the Marechal de Montmorency, Duke of Luxembourg. Its name derives from the panoramic paintings of famous cities, such as Paris, Toulon, Rome, and Jerusalem, which were displayed in two large rotundas. These rotundas were a business venture of the American inventor Robert Fulton, who showcased his inventions while waiting for an audience with Napoleon. Although Fulton's projects were ultimately rejected, the Passage des Panoramas continued to thrive.

Explore the Passage

As you step into the Passage des Panoramas, you'll be transported back in time. The passage has a unique charm, with its beautifully decorated storefronts and cobblestone floors. Take a leisurely stroll and discover a variety of shops, including those specializing in old stamps and coins. If you're a philatelic enthusiast, this is the perfect place to find rare and unique pieces.

Nearby Attractions

While exploring the Passage des Panoramas, you'll find yourself in the heart of the 2nd arrondissement, surrounded by other notable attractions. Just a short walk away is the Palais Royal, the site of the first indoor gallery in Paris. This stunning palace and its gardens are a must-see for history and architecture lovers.

When to Visit

The Passage des Panoramas is a delightful destination to visit year-round. However, if you want to experience its true charm, consider visiting on a rainy day. The covered passage provides shelter from the elements, allowing you to enjoy its beauty without worrying about the weather.


The Passage des Panoramas is a hidden gem in the bustling city of Paris. Its historical significance, architectural features, and unique atmosphere make it a must-visit destination for travelers. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a philatelic collector, or simply looking to explore the city's hidden treasures, this charming passage will not disappoint. So, next time you find yourself in Paris, make sure to take a stroll through the Passage des Panoramas and immerse yourself in its rich history and timeless beauty.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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