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Gria Vathra, Natural Pool

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Gria Vathra, Natural Pool in Samothrace, Greece

If you're a nature lover and adventure seeker, then Gria Vathra, also known as the Natural Pool, is a must-visit destination. Located just 2 km from Therma on the enchanting island of Samothrace in the northern Aegean Sea, this hidden gem offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

A Natural Wonder Surrounded by Lush Landscapes

As you approach Samothrace, the island's uniqueness becomes apparent. The towering Mt. Saos, also known as Fengari, meaning moon, reaches an impressive height of 1,611 meters. This majestic mountain has shaped the island's traits, resulting in rugged and pristine nature, river sources, waterfalls, and forests filled with oak, plane, pine, and cedar trees.

The Plunge Pools of Gria Vathra

One of the highlights of Samothrace is the opportunity to swim in plunge pools, locally known as vathres. These pools are formed by the mountain's waters running down slopes, creating waterfalls and ponds. Gria Vathra is the best-known plunge pool area on the island and is easily accessible from the village of Therma.

Two Paths, Two Unique Experiences

There are two paths that lead to Gria Vathra, each offering a different experience. The first path is perfect for families and takes about 10-15 minutes of relaxed walking. Along this path, you'll encounter an artificial vathra, providing a tranquil spot to rest. As you continue, you'll come across a series of natural vathres and waterfalls, each more captivating than the last.

For those seeking a more challenging adventure, the second path is for you. This shadeless path takes about 20 minutes to traverse and leads to a large sandy vathra. Here, you can set up camp and enjoy a refreshing dive into the cool waters.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

Gria Vathra holds not only natural beauty but also historical significance. This natural pool has been a popular spot for locals and visitors for centuries, offering a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The pools themselves are similar in appearance, regardless of their location, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural environment and enjoy swimming without pressure.

Fun Facts and Nearby Attractions

Did you know that Samothrace is home to the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, an ancient religious site that attracted pilgrims from all over the ancient world? This archaeological site is just a short distance from Gria Vathra and is definitely worth a visit.

If you're looking to explore more of Samothrace's natural beauty, make sure to visit the Fonias Gorge, a stunning canyon with waterfalls and crystal-clear pools. The island also offers hiking trails, picturesque villages, and beautiful beaches, making it a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts.

Best Time to Visit Gria Vathra

To make the most of your visit to Gria Vathra, it's best to plan your trip during the warmer months when the water is at its most inviting. The island of Samothrace enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters. During the summer months, from June to September, temperatures range from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, providing the perfect conditions for a refreshing swim in the natural pools.


Gria Vathra, the Natural Pool of Samothrace, is a hidden gem that offers a unique and unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Surrounded by lush landscapes and steeped in historical significance, this natural wonder is a must-visit destination. Whether you choose the easier path for a family-friendly adventure or the more challenging route for a thrilling experience, Gria Vathra promises to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. So pack your swimsuit, grab your hiking shoes, and get ready to discover the enchanting beauty of Gria Vathra, the Natural Pool in Samothrace, Greece.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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