Kalighat Kali Temple, Kolkata Image

Kalighat Kali Temple, Kolkata

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Discover the Mystical Charm of Kalighat Kali Temple in Kolkata

Kolkata, the cultural capital of India, is a city that never fails to mesmerize its visitors with its rich history and vibrant traditions. One of the most iconic landmarks of Kolkata is the Kalighat Kali Temple, a sacred shrine dedicated to the fierce goddess Kali. Let's embark on a journey to explore the captivating allure of this ancient temple.

Historical Significance and Architectural Marvel

Kalighat Kali Temple holds immense historical and religious significance. It is believed to be one of the 51 Shakti Peethas in India, where the various body parts of the goddess Sati fell during Lord Shiva's Tandava dance. The temple's origins can be traced back to the 15th century, as it is mentioned in ancient texts like Mansar Bhasan and Kavi Kankan Chandi.

The present structure of the temple was completed in 1809, under the patronage of the Zamindar Sabarna Roy Choudhury family. The temple complex showcases exquisite Bengali architecture, with intricate carvings and sculptures adorning its walls. The deity of Goddess Kali, with her tongue and four hands made of pure gold, is a sight to behold.

Fun Facts and Spiritual Experiences

Visiting Kalighat Kali Temple offers a unique spiritual experience. As you enter the temple premises, you'll be greeted by the serene atmosphere and the rhythmic chants of devotees. The temple is known for its unique rituals, such as the offering of red hibiscus flowers and sweets to the goddess.

One interesting fact about the temple is the presence of the Shoshti Tala or Monosha Tala, a sacred spot beneath a cactus plant. Here, three stones represent the goddesses Shashthi, Shitala, and Mangal Chandi. The priests at this altar are all female, adding to the temple's mystical aura.

Things to Do and See Nearby

While exploring Kalighat Kali Temple, make sure to take a stroll along the nearby Adi Ganga canal. This canal connects to the Hooghly River and offers a picturesque view of the city. You can also visit the Natmandir, a covered platform adjacent to the main temple, where you can catch a glimpse of the goddess's face.

For those interested in history, a visit to the Shyama-raya temple within the complex is a must. This temple, dedicated to Radha and Krishna, was built in the 18th century and showcases stunning architectural details.

When to Visit

Kalighat Kali Temple attracts devotees and tourists throughout the year. However, if you wish to witness the grandeur of the temple and experience its vibrant festivities, plan your visit during the Durga Puja festival. This is the most auspicious time to seek the blessings of the goddess and immerse yourself in the city's cultural celebrations.


Kalighat Kali Temple is not just a religious site but a symbol of Kolkata's rich heritage and spiritual fervor. Its historical significance, architectural marvels, and unique rituals make it a must-visit destination for anyone exploring the city. So, come and discover the mystical charm of Kalighat Kali Temple, where divinity and devotion intertwine in perfect harmony.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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