Centrale Montemartini
Centrale Montemartini

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Centrale Montemartini is a unique museum near Rome that combines ancient artifacts with industrial machinery in a former power plant. This hidden gem offers a captivating dialogue between two contrasting worlds, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and art lovers alike.

Centrale Montemartini is a unique museum located on the outskirts of Rome. The history of this museum dates back to 1997 when a selection of sculptures and archaeological artifacts were transferred from the Capitoline Museums to the power plant. The power plant had not been in operation for several years and was transformed into a museum space to showcase these ancient works.

The exhibition, titled "The Machines and the Gods," was a bold experiment that juxtaposed the worlds of archaeology and industrial archaeology. By displaying ancient artifacts alongside giant industrial machinery, the museum created a captivating contrast that intrigued both the public and insiders. This temporary exhibition quickly gained popularity and in 2001, it became a permanent museum.

Over the years, Centrale Montemartini has expanded its spaces and added new archaeological exhibits, revealing many works that had remained hidden in storage. In 2016, a new hall was opened to display the precious carriages of the Train of Pius IX, adding another dimension to the museum.

Visiting Centrale Montemartini offers a unique experience to immerse yourself in the blend of ancient and industrial worlds. The museum's innovative museographic solutions allow visitors to appreciate both the artistic beauty of the ancient sculptures and the historical significance of the industrial machinery. As you explore the exhibitions, you'll be awestruck by the contrast between the delicate craftsmanship of the ancient works and the imposing presence of the massive machinery.

If you are interested in archaeological artifacts and industrial history, Centrale Montemartini is a must-visit destination. The museum offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to witness the convergence of these two distinct worlds in a setting that showcases their beauty and significance. So, make sure to include this hidden gem in your itinerary when exploring the cultural wonders of Rome.

Updated on 10 October 2023

Tips and Tricks

  • Plan your visit to Centrale Montemartini ahead of time to ensure you have enough time to explore the extensive collection. Check the museum's website for opening hours and any special temporary exhibitions they may have.

  • Take advantage of the museum's audio guide or guided tours to enhance your understanding of the exhibits. The audio guide provides interesting insights into the history and significance of the artifacts and machinery.

  • Don't miss the opportunity to see the "The Machines and the Gods" exhibition, which is the original display that started it all. This collection features a unique mix of ancient sculptures and industrial machinery that will leave you in awe.

  • Explore the newly opened hall dedicated to the carriages of the Train of Pius IX. These beautifully preserved carriages offer a glimpse into the luxurious transportation of the past and provide an interesting contrast to the ancient artifacts.

  • Be sure to take your time and appreciate the juxtaposition of ancient and industrial elements throughout the museum. Take in the grandeur of the machinery against the backdrop of classical sculptures and marvel at the harmony between these seemingly disparate worlds.

  • Capture the beauty of Centrale Montemartini by taking photos, but remember to be respectful and follow any photography rules set by the museum. Some exhibits may have restrictions on flash photography or tripod usage.

  • Consider visiting Centrale Montemartini during weekdays or less busy times to avoid crowds and have a more intimate experience with the exhibits. However, be aware of the museum's opening hours and plan accordingly.

  • After your visit to the museum, take some time to explore the surrounding area. Centrale Montemartini is located on the outskirts of Rome, allowing you to enjoy a quieter and less touristy part of the city. Take a stroll through the nearby neighborhoods or enjoy a picnic in one of the local parks.

  • Make sure to check out the museum shop for unique souvenirs, books, and replicas of the artifacts on display. Supporting the museum through your purchase will help preserve and maintain this remarkable cultural site.

  • Consider combining your visit to Centrale Montemartini with a visit to other nearby attractions. The museum is situated close to other interesting sites, such as the Garbatella neighborhood or the Baths of Caracalla, allowing you to make the most out of your visit to this part of Rome.


The opening hours of Centrale Montemartini in Rome, Italy are 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.


The best season to visit Centrale Montemartini in Rome, Italy, is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is pleasant and perfect for exploring the outdoor grounds and enjoying the museum's unique blend of ancient sculptures and industrial machinery.


The entry fee for Centrale Montemartini in Rome, Italy is €10.

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