Discover unexplored paths around Baunei with Quads Image

Discover unexplored paths around Baunei with Quads

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Discover Unexplored Paths around Baunei with Quads in Province of Ogliastra

Baunei, a charming village located in the heart of the stunning island of Sardinia, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. While many tourists flock to the popular coastal areas, Baunei offers a unique opportunity to discover unexplored paths and breathtaking landscapes. And what better way to explore this rugged terrain than with a thrilling quad adventure?

Renting Quads at the Distributore IP

To embark on this exciting journey, head to the oil station "distributore IP" located on the Orientale Sarda, at the entrance of Baunei. Here, you can rent quads that are perfect for navigating the challenging terrain of the area. Each quad can accommodate two people, making it an ideal activity for couples, friends, or even families.

Guided by Local Experts

Safety is of utmost importance when venturing into the unknown, and that's why you'll be accompanied by a local qualified guide. These experts have an intimate knowledge of the area and will lead you through the unexplored paths, ensuring a memorable and secure experience.

The Altiplano del Golgo: A Hidden Paradise

One of the highlights of this quad adventure is the opportunity to explore the Altiplano del Golgo. This vast plateau is a hidden paradise, boasting stunning natural beauty and a rich diversity of flora and fauna. As you navigate the rugged trails, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of limestone cliffs, deep gorges, and lush green valleys.

Fun Facts about Baunei

Baunei is not only a gateway to adventure but also a place with a fascinating history. Here are some fun facts about this charming village:

  1. Baunei is home to the famous Cala Goloritzé, a pristine beach that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its crystal-clear turquoise waters and towering limestone cliffs make it a must-visit destination for nature lovers.

  2. The village is known for its traditional architecture, with houses made of local stone and narrow winding streets that add to its rustic charm.

  3. Baunei is surrounded by the Supramonte mountain range, offering endless opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, and exploring hidden caves.

Things to Do and See in Baunei

Apart from the quad adventure, Baunei offers a range of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy. Here are some recommendations:

  • Visit the Nuraghe di Golgo, an ancient archaeological site that dates back to the Bronze Age. Explore the ruins and learn about the fascinating history of the Nuragic civilization.

  • Take a boat tour to explore the stunning coastline and discover hidden coves and caves. The Grotta del Fico is a particularly impressive cave with stalactites and stalagmites.

  • Hike to the top of Monte Santo to enjoy panoramic views of Baunei and the surrounding landscape. This challenging hike rewards you with breathtaking vistas that are worth the effort.

When to Visit Baunei

The best time to visit Baunei and embark on a quad adventure is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and pleasant. The summer months can be quite hot, so it's advisable to plan your visit accordingly.


Baunei, with its unexplored paths and stunning landscapes, is a paradise for adventure seekers. Renting quads at the distributore IP and exploring the Altiplano del Golgo with a local guide will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience. So, pack your sense of adventure and get ready to discover the hidden treasures of Baunei on an exhilarating quad adventure!

Updated on 27 May 2024

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