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Grotta di Ispinigoli

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Grotta di Ispinigoli in Dorgali

Nestled in the Supramonte massif near the charming town of Dorgali, the Grotta di Ispinigoli is a captivating karstic cave that will leave you in awe. As one of the largest caves on the island of Sardinia, it boasts an impressive array of natural wonders and historical significance.

A Natural Wonder

The highlight of Grotta di Ispinigoli is undoubtedly its towering stalactite-stalagmite compound, which is the tallest in Europe and one of the tallest in the world, measuring approximately 38 meters in total. As you descend into the cave through the well-equipped pathway, the cool and constant temperature of 15 degrees Celsius will accompany you along the 280 steps.

A Kaleidoscope of Colors and Shapes

Once inside the cave, you will be greeted by a mesmerizing spectacle of shapes and colors that have formed over thousands of years. From the enormous concretions that adorn the walls to the delicate and intricate stalagmites, every detail of this underground environment is exceptional. As you descend further into the depths, the play of light and shadow becomes more intense, revealing the yellowish limestone with its various forms and shades, culminating in the base of the colossal column.

Historical Significance

Beyond its natural beauty, Grotta di Ispinigoli holds great historical and archaeological significance. Traces of human bones and jewelry dating back to the Bronze Age have been discovered within the cave, indicating that it was used as a burial site by the Nuragic people. The cave also includes the Abisso delle Vergini, a 60-meter-deep hole that leads to a 12-kilometer series of caves connecting Ispinigoli to the San Giovanni su Anzu cave. This vast underground system has been explored by expert spelunkers and has revealed artifacts from various ancient civilizations, including the Nuragic, Punic, and Roman periods.

When to Visit

Grotta di Ispinigoli has been open to the public since 1974, allowing visitors to marvel at its natural wonders and delve into its rich history. The best time to visit is during the summer months when the weather is pleasant and the cave provides a refreshing escape from the heat. Guided tours are available, providing insightful information about the cave's geological formations and historical significance.

Nearby Attractions

While in Dorgali, make sure to explore the surrounding area, which is known for its stunning landscapes and outdoor activities. The Supramonte massif offers opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, and exploring other caves, such as the nearby San Giovanni su Anzu cave. The town of Dorgali itself is a charming destination, with its traditional architecture, local crafts, and delicious Sardinian cuisine.


Grotta di Ispinigoli in Dorgali is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts, history buffs, and adventure seekers alike. Its towering stalactite-stalagmite compound, kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, and rich historical significance make it a truly captivating experience. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of Grotta di Ispinigoli in the beautiful region of Dorgali.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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