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Grotte di Catullo

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Exploring the Ancient Ruins of Grotte di Catullo in Sirmione

Nestled on the picturesque shores of Lake Garda in Italy, the Grotte di Catullo is a captivating archaeological site that offers a glimpse into the grandeur of the Roman Empire. Named after the renowned Roman poet Catullus, this site is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

A Journey Back in Time

As you step into the Grotte di Catullo, you'll be transported back to the 1st century AD, when this magnificent Roman villa stood as a testament to opulence and wealth. The remains of the villa, which include various rooms, courtyards, and terraces, provide a fascinating insight into the daily life of the Roman elite.

Breathtaking Views

One of the highlights of the Grotte di Catullo is its stunning location. Perched on a hilltop overlooking Lake Garda, the panoramic views from the site are simply breathtaking. On a clear day, you can marvel at the entire lake and its surrounding mountains, creating a picturesque backdrop for your visit.

Historical Significance

The Grotte di Catullo is not only a beautiful site but also holds great historical significance. It is considered the most valuable testament of the Roman period in Sirmione's territory and is an exceptional find of a Roman villa in northern Italy. The villa was built at the beginning of the 1st century AD and was later abandoned in the 3rd century. Over the centuries, the ruins were included in the fortifications that enclosed the Sirmione peninsula.

Architectural Features

The architectural features of the Grotte di Catullo are truly impressive. The villa was built through a unitary project, with careful consideration given to the orientation and distribution of the internal spaces. The layout follows a precise axiality and symmetry criterion, showcasing the meticulous planning and design of the Roman architects.

Things to Do and See

While exploring the Grotte di Catullo, make sure to take advantage of the informative panels available in Italian, English, and German. These panels provide insights into the history and significance of the site, enhancing your experience.

After exploring the ruins, take a leisurely stroll through the historic olive grove that surrounds the site. With approximately 1500 olive trees, some centuries old, you can immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area and even witness the olive harvest to produce extra virgin olive oil.

When to Visit

The Grotte di Catullo is open to the public throughout the year, with varying opening times depending on the season. It is advisable to check the schedule before planning your visit. Tickets can be purchased at the entrance, and prices range from €6.00 for a full ticket to €3.00 for a reduced ticket (for European citizens between 18 and 25 years old).


Whether you're a history buff or simply looking to soak in the beauty of Lake Garda, a visit to the Grotte di Catullo is a must. Immerse yourself in the rich history of the Roman Empire, marvel at the architectural features, and enjoy the breathtaking views from this ancient site. Plan your visit to the Grotte di Catullo and embark on a journey back in time.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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