Le Stanze del Vetro, Venice Image

Le Stanze del Vetro, Venice

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Discover the Art of Glass at Le Stanze del Vetro in Venice

Venice, known for its rich history and stunning architecture, is also home to a hidden gem for art enthusiasts - Le Stanze del Vetro. Located on the picturesque island of San Giorgio Maggiore, this gallery showcases the beauty and versatility of glass as an artistic medium. Let's dive into the captivating world of Le Stanze del Vetro and explore what makes it a must-visit destination in Venezia.

A Glass Wonderland

Le Stanze del Vetro, which translates to "Rooms for Glass," is a joint initiative between the Fondazione Giorgio Cini and Pentagram Stiftung. The gallery aims to bring glass back into the spotlight of the international art scene by showcasing the works of both contemporary and historical artists who have utilized glass as a means of expression.

A Historical Setting

Housed in a former boarding school, the gallery's location adds to its charm. The building has been beautifully renovated and designed by Annabelle Selldorf, creating a perfect backdrop for the glass artworks on display. As you explore the gallery, you'll be immersed in a unique blend of history and contemporary art.

Rotating Exhibitions

Le Stanze del Vetro offers a dynamic experience for visitors with its rotating exhibitions. The gallery hosts solo and group shows featuring international artists who have pushed the boundaries of glass as an artistic medium. From intricate sculptures to mesmerizing installations, each exhibition showcases the diverse possibilities of glass art.

Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters

One of the current exhibitions at Le Stanze del Vetro is "Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters." In collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, this exhibition highlights the works of six major artists of contemporary glass sculpture. Václav Cigler, Vladimír Kopecký, Stanislav Libenský and Jaroslava Brychtová, René Roubíček, and Miluše Roubíčková have all contributed to the rich legacy of Bohemian glass after the Second World War.

Beyond the Exhibitions

Le Stanze del Vetro goes beyond traditional exhibitions by organizing special projects involving contemporary artists. These artists are invited to work with glass, creating site-specific installations that push the boundaries of the medium. The gallery also houses a bookshop where you can find limited-edition objects produced in Murano, supporting the activities organized by Le Stanze del Vetro.

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to Le Stanze del Vetro, plan your trip accordingly. The gallery is open from Tuesday to Sunday, and admission is free, following the model of free access to museums. Take your time to explore the exhibitions and immerse yourself in the world of glass art.


Le Stanze del Vetro is a hidden gem in Venice, offering a unique and captivating experience for art enthusiasts. With its rotating exhibitions, historical setting, and focus on glass as an artistic medium, this gallery is a must-visit destination in Venezia. Whether you're a fan of contemporary art or interested in the historical significance of glass, Le Stanze del Vetro will leave you inspired and in awe of the beauty and versatility of this medium.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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