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Murales di Orgosolo

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Discover the Vibrant Murales di Orgosolo in the Province of Nuoro

Nestled in the picturesque Barbagia area of Sardinia, the village of Orgosolo is a hidden gem that is sure to captivate any traveler. What sets this village apart is its world-famous murals, known as "murales," which adorn the walls of its old houses. These vibrant paintings depict a rich tapestry of history, politics, everyday life, and traditions in Sardinia.

A Rich Cultural Tapestry

Orgosolo boasts an impressive collection of murals, with approximately 150 out of the 250 murals found in Sardinia. These artworks emerged in the late 1960s during a time of social unrest and economic turmoil in Italy. The murals became a powerful expression of social discontent, questioning the role of the island in the Italian government's policies.

Historical Significance

The first mural in Orgosolo was created in 1969 by Dionisio, an anarchist theatrical troupe from Milan. It sparked a movement that saw local teacher Francesco Del Casino and his students actively participating in mural creation. Del Casino aimed to engage students in politics, and the murals became a platform to address pressing issues such as the oppression of Nazism, the struggle for liberation, unemployment, and education problems.

A Window into Global Events

As Italy's economy recovered in the 1980s, the murals in Orgosolo began to reflect a broader range of topics. With the renaissance of the global economy, the murals depicted significant global events such as the Tiananmen Square protests, protests against the G8 in Genoa, and the September 11 attacks. These murals not only showcased the village's connection to the world but also highlighted the artists' evolving perspectives.

Architectural Features

The murals in Orgosolo are not only visually striking but also showcase the unique architectural features of the village. As you stroll down the Corso Repubblica, you'll be immersed in a world of colorful facades, intricate details, and thought-provoking imagery. The murals seamlessly blend with the traditional stone houses, creating a harmonious fusion of art and architecture.

When to Visit

To fully appreciate the beauty and significance of the murals, it is best to visit Orgosolo during the warmer months, from spring to early autumn. The pleasant weather allows for leisurely walks through the village, where you can take your time to admire each mural and delve into the stories they tell.

Things to Do and See Nearby

While exploring Orgosolo, take the opportunity to discover the surrounding area of the Province of Nuoro. Visit the nearby town of Nuoro, the provincial capital, known for its rich cultural heritage and museums. Explore the stunning landscapes of the Supramonte mountain range or venture to the beautiful beaches along the eastern coast of Sardinia.


The Murales di Orgosolo in the Province of Nuoro is a testament to the power of art in expressing social and political messages. As you wander through the streets of Orgosolo, you'll be transported into a world of vibrant colors and thought-provoking imagery. Whether you're a history enthusiast, an art lover, or simply seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience, a visit to Orgosolo is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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