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Oasi WWF Lake Burano

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Discover the Natural Beauty of Oasi WWF Lake Burano in Provincia di Grosseto

Nestled in the picturesque region of Provincia di Grosseto in Tuscany, Oasi WWF Lake Burano is a hidden gem that offers a unique and immersive experience in nature. Established in 1980, this protected area is managed by the WWF and is a haven for wildlife and nature enthusiasts.

A Wetland of International Importance

Covering an impressive 410 hectares, Oasi WWF Lake Burano is part of the larger wetland known as the "Lake of Burano," which was designated as an area of international importance in 1977. This wetland is a crucial habitat for a diverse range of bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers.

Explore the Varied Habitats

As you wander through the nature reserve, you'll encounter a variety of habitats that showcase the rich biodiversity of the area. From agricultural areas and woodlands filled with oak trees to the dune vegetation along the beach, each habitat offers a unique and captivating experience.

Birdwatching Paradise

Oasi WWF Lake Burano is a haven for birdwatchers, with numerous lookout points that provide excellent opportunities to observe and photograph a wide array of bird species. Keep your eyes peeled for ducks, coots, cormorants, herons, little egrets, fish hawks, flamingos, and even cranes. The reserve's diverse bird population is a testament to the importance of this wetland habitat.

Wildlife Encounters

While exploring the reserve, you may also come across some of the local wildlife that calls Oasi WWF Lake Burano home. Keep an eye out for wild rabbits, porcupines, foxes, and if you're lucky, you might even spot tortoises and four-lined snakes. These encounters with nature's creatures add an extra element of excitement to your visit.

Architectural Marvels

Adding to the allure of Oasi WWF Lake Burano is the presence of a beautiful Spanish watchtower with a square plan. This architectural marvel adds a touch of history and charm to the already breathtaking panorama of the lake. Take a moment to appreciate the tower's significance and imagine the stories it could tell.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Oasi WWF Lake Burano is during the spring and autumn seasons when the weather is mild, and the bird population is at its peak. The reserve is open year-round, but it's important to check the WWF website for any updates or restrictions before planning your visit.

Nearby Attractions

Located on a hill near Lake Burano, the town of Capalbio is worth exploring after your visit to the nature reserve. This medieval town boasts a pyramid-like structure with an embattled fortress at its center, surrounded by mighty walls. Don't miss the Romanesque parish church of San Nicola, adorned with intricate capitals and the 15th-century Sienese gate.

Immerse Yourself in Nature's Splendor

Oasi WWF Lake Burano in Provincia di Grosseto is a true haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Whether you're a birdwatcher, a wildlife enthusiast, or simply seeking a peaceful escape in nature, this protected area offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Plan your visit to Oasi WWF Lake Burano and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Tuscany's wetlands.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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