Piazza del Duomo - San Gimignano Image

Piazza del Duomo - San Gimignano

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Discover the Enchanting Piazza del Duomo in San Gimignano

Nestled in the heart of the charming medieval town of San Gimignano, the Piazza del Duomo is a captivating square that takes you back in time to the Middle Ages. This trapezoid-shaped space is not only a hub of activity but also holds great historical and architectural significance. Let's explore the wonders of Piazza del Duomo and discover why it should be on your travel itinerary.

A Glimpse into the Past

The Piazza del Duomo has been the center of political and religious life in San Gimignano since the Middle Ages. It marks the intersection between the Via Francigena, an ancient pilgrimage route, and the old Pisa-Siena Road. As you step into the square, you'll be transported to a bygone era, surrounded by three remarkable medieval buildings.

Architectural Marvels

Facing each other across the square are the Torri Gemelle dei Salvucci, two towering structures that reach for the sky. These towers were owned by the wealthy Guelph merchants, who made their fortune through usury. On the opposite side, you'll find the Palazzo Nuovo del Potestà, adorned with the Loggia del Comune, a place where government authorities once gathered during public ceremonies. Adjacent to it stands the imposing Torre Grossa, a massive tower that adds to the grandeur of the square.

The Majestic Collegiata

At the center of Piazza del Duomo stands the Collegiata, also known as the Duomo. This Roman Catholic collegiate church and minor basilica dates back to the 11th century and dominates the square with its commanding presence. The Duomo is renowned for its exquisite Renaissance frescoes, created by renowned artists such as Domenico Ghirlandaio and Benozzo Gozzoli. These frescoes have been recognized by UNESCO as "works of outstanding beauty."

Historical Significance

During the 13th century, when San Gimignano experienced its peak of economic prosperity, the Piazza del Duomo underwent significant transformations. The main public buildings were constructed, and the façade of the Duomo was reoriented to face the Palazzo Vecchio del Potestà. This period marked the consolidation of San Gimignano's power and autonomy from Volterra.

Exploring the Piazza

Visiting Piazza del Duomo is like stepping into a living museum. Take your time to wander through the square, marvel at the architectural wonders, and soak in the medieval atmosphere. Admire the intricate details of the buildings, climb the Torre Grossa for panoramic views of the town, and immerse yourself in the rich history that surrounds you.

When to Visit

San Gimignano is a popular tourist destination, so it's best to visit the Piazza del Duomo during the quieter months of spring or fall. This allows you to fully appreciate the beauty of the square without the crowds. However, if you happen to visit during the summer, try to arrive early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the peak tourist hours.


The Piazza del Duomo in San Gimignano is a captivating destination that offers a glimpse into the town's rich history and architectural heritage. From the towering medieval towers to the awe-inspiring frescoes of the Collegiata, this square is a treasure trove of wonders. So, make sure to include Piazza del Duomo in your itinerary when exploring the enchanting town of San Gimignano.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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