Piazza Yenne, Cagliari Image

Piazza Yenne, Cagliari

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Discover the Historic Charm of Piazza Yenne in Cagliari

Located in the heart of Cagliari, Piazza Yenne is a captivating square that holds a special place in the city's history. This historic square, originally named Piazza San Carlo, was later renamed to honor the viceroy, Marquis Ettore Veuillet d'Yenne, who played a significant role in its construction.

A Charming Atmosphere and Architectural Beauty

Piazza Yenne is known for its charming atmosphere and architectural beauty. Surrounded by elegant buildings, cafes, and shops, it offers a perfect spot to relax and soak in the vibrant atmosphere of the city. The centerpiece of the square is a beautiful fountain, adding to its allure.

Explore the Surrounding Area

There are plenty of things to see and do around Piazza Yenne. Just a short walk away, you'll find the historic district of Stampace, with its narrow streets, colorful buildings, and local markets. Take a stroll through the old town and discover hidden gems such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria and the Bastion of Saint Remy.

Gateway to Cagliari's Landmarks

Piazza Yenne is also a great starting point to explore the rest of Cagliari. From here, you can easily reach other landmarks like the Castello district, with its medieval fortifications and panoramic views, or the Poetto beach, where you can relax and enjoy the sun.

Vibrant Nightlife and Local Culture

To experience the true charm of Piazza Yenne, visit during the evening when the square comes alive with locals and tourists enjoying the vibrant nightlife. Grab a seat at one of the outdoor cafes and indulge in some people-watching while sipping a refreshing drink. The square is particularly popular with the younger crowd, who flock to its bars, gelaterie, and pavement cafes.

When to Visit Piazza Yenne

Piazza Yenne can be enjoyed year-round, but the best time to visit is during the summer months when the weather is warm and the square is bustling with activity. The evenings are especially lively, offering a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.


No visit to Cagliari is complete without spending some time in Piazza Yenne. Its historic significance, architectural beauty, and lively atmosphere make it a must-visit destination for travelers. So, next time you find yourself in Cagliari, make sure to pay a visit to this captivating square and immerse yourself in its rich history and vibrant ambiance.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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