Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano Image

Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano

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Unveiling the Ancient Treasures at Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano

Welcome to Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Rome. As a seasoned travel blogger and Rome enthusiast, I am thrilled to share with you the wonders of this remarkable museum. Let's embark on a journey through time and explore the captivating history, architectural marvels, and fascinating exhibits that await you.

A Glimpse into Ancient Rome

Step into the ancient Baths of Diocletian, the largest spa complex ever built in ancient Rome. Constructed between 298 and 306 A.D., these baths spanned over 13 hectares and could accommodate up to 3000 people. Today, the preserved remnants of this grand structure can be seen in the Basilica of S. Maria degli Angeli. Marvel at the majestic frigidarium, a hall with a triple cruise, and the circular tepidarium. Although only a small part of the calidarium remains, the facade of the Basilica itself offers a glimpse into the past.

The Monastery and Cloister of Michelangelo

In the 16th century, Pope Pius IV commissioned Michelangelo to transform the frigidarium into a church dedicated to Our Lady of the Angels and Charterhouse. While Michelangelo's involvement in the construction is debated, the result is a magnificent complex that includes the Great Cloister, also known as the Cloister of Michelangelo. This vast cloister, one of the largest in Italy, spans 10,000 square meters and features 100 monolithic columns. Admire the sculptures, sarcophagi, altars, and imperial age statues that now adorn the long wings of the cloister.

Museums within the Museum

Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano houses several captivating museums that offer a deeper understanding of Rome's rich history.

The Epigraphic Museum

Dedicated to the communication of the Roman world, the Epigraphic Museum showcases a remarkable collection of over 10,000 inscriptions. Explore the three exhibition floors, where you'll encounter various types of inscriptions, sculptures, mosaics, and everyday objects. Delve into the social structure, economy, religion, and political organization of ancient Rome through these fascinating artifacts.

The Protohistoric Museum

Located on the second floor of the Cloister of Michelangelo, the Protohistoric Museum focuses on the earliest stages of the culture that emerged in ancient Lazio. Discover archaeological evidence that reconstructs the social, economic, and political aspects of the region. From the Lazio culture to the territory of Latium Vetus, this museum provides valuable insights into the ancient past.

The Virtual Museum of Via Flaminia

Immerse yourself in the virtual tour of the main monumental areas along the Via Flaminia. Created by the Instituto for Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage, this application allows you to explore Ponte Milvio, Malborghetto, and the Villa di Livia. Experience the splendor of Augustan-age architecture and decorations as you learn about the history and daily life of the villas during the imperial era.

When to Visit

Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and those seeking a deeper understanding of ancient Rome. To make the most of your visit, plan your trip during weekdays to avoid crowds. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, with varying hours, so be sure to check the official website for the most up-to-date information.

Uncover Rome's Hidden Treasures

Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano offers a unique opportunity to delve into the social history of Rome and explore the remnants of ancient architecture. From the grandeur of the Baths of Diocletian to the captivating exhibits within the museum, this hidden gem is a testament to Rome's rich past. So, pack your curiosity and embark on a journey through time at Terme di Diocleziano - Museo Nazionale Romano.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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