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The Vasari Corridor

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Exploring the Hidden Gem: The Vasari Corridor in Florence

Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, is a city that never fails to captivate visitors with its rich history and artistic treasures. While the iconic landmarks like the Duomo and the Uffizi Gallery often steal the spotlight, there is a hidden gem that awaits those who seek a unique and immersive experience - The Vasari Corridor.

A Historical Marvel

The Vasari Corridor, also known as Corridoio Vasariano, is an elevated enclosed passageway that connects the Palazzo Vecchio with the Palazzo Pitti. Built in just five months in 1565 by Giorgio Vasari, the corridor was commissioned by Duke Cosimo I de' Medici. Its purpose was to provide a safe and private route for the Duke to move between his residence and the government palace.

Architectural Marvels

As you step into the Vasari Corridor, you'll be greeted by a fascinating blend of architectural styles. The corridor snakes its way over rows of houses in the Oltrarno district, becoming narrower as it reaches the Palazzo Pitti. Along the way, you'll notice panoramic windows that offer breathtaking views of the River Arno and the iconic Ponte Vecchio.

One of the most intriguing features of the corridor is its integration with the Church of Santa Felicità. The corridor conceals part of the church's façade, creating a seamless connection between the religious and secular worlds.

Fun Facts and Fascinating Stories

Did you know that the Vasari Corridor was built around the Torre dei Mannelli? The tower's owners refused to alter it, so Vasari ingeniously designed brackets to accommodate the structure. This clever solution preserved the tower and added to the corridor's unique charm.

Another interesting fact is that the meat market on Ponte Vecchio was relocated to prevent its smell from permeating the corridor. In its place, goldsmith shops were established, which still occupy the bridge today. This transformation turned Ponte Vecchio into a vibrant hub of craftsmanship and luxury.

Exploring the Vasari Corridor

Until recently, the Vasari Corridor was closed to visitors for security reasons. However, after an extensive refurbishment, it is set to reopen as a fully accessible museum. Visitors will be able to explore this architectural marvel with a special ticket, starting from the ground floor of the Uffizi Gallery. The journey will take them over Ponte Vecchio, through the Medicean Gardens of Boboli, and finally to the grandeur of the Pitti Palace.

When to Visit

While the exact reopening date of the Vasari Corridor is yet to be announced, it is expected to welcome visitors in the near future. To make the most of your visit, plan your trip during the spring or autumn months when the weather is pleasant, and the city is less crowded.


The Vasari Corridor is a hidden gem that offers a unique perspective on Florence's history and architectural wonders. From its historical significance to its fascinating features, this elevated passageway is a must-visit for any traveler seeking an immersive experience in the heart of the Renaissance city. So, when you find yourself in Florence, don't miss the opportunity to explore the enchanting Vasari Corridor and discover the secrets it holds.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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