Shimizu Fish Market, Shizuoka Image

Shimizu Fish Market, Shizuoka

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Shimizu Fish Market: A Seafood Lover's Paradise in Shizuoka

If you're a seafood enthusiast visiting Shizuoka, then a trip to the Shimizu Fish Market is an absolute must. Located in front of JR Shimizu Station, this bustling market offers a wide variety of fresh catch and a chance to indulge in some mouthwatering seafood dishes. Let's dive into what makes this market a true seafood lover's paradise.

Fun Facts and Fresh Catch

Did you know that Shimizu Port boasts Japan's biggest catch of tuna? This fact alone attracts many tourists to Shimizu, eager to savor the freshest and most delicious tuna dishes. At the Shimizu Fish Market, you can witness the vibrant energy as fishermen bring in their daily catch, showcasing an impressive array of tuna and other seafood.

Things to Do and See

The Shimizu Fish Market is divided into two main areas: Ichiba-Kan and Maguro-Kan. Ichiba-Kan, meaning "market," is where you'll find a variety of stalls selling fish, seashells, vegetables, and more. This is the perfect place to pick up some fresh ingredients for a seafood feast or to find unique souvenirs to take home.

Maguro-Kan, on the other hand, focuses on seafood restaurants. Here, you can indulge in a wide range of delectable dishes, from sushi and sashimi to grilled fish and seafood hot pots. The restaurants in Maguro-Kan offer a truly authentic dining experience, allowing you to savor the flavors of the sea in a lively and bustling atmosphere.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

While the Shimizu Fish Market may not look fancy from the outside, it holds great historical significance. The market has been a hub for seafood trade for many years, connecting local fishermen with customers eager to taste the freshest catch. The market's central entrance leads you to the Ichiba Hall on the right and the Maguro Hall on the left.

Ichiba Hall is where you'll find around 20 shops operated by intermediate wholesalers who sell directly to the public. Here, you can expect to find a wide variety of fresh seafood at reasonable prices. From tuna and sushi to dried fish and vegetables, the options are endless.

When to Visit

If you're planning a visit to the Shimizu Fish Market, it's best to go during weekdays to avoid the crowds. On weekends and during lunchtime, the market tends to get busy with both tourists and locals eager to enjoy the freshest seafood. Keep in mind that the market is closed on Wednesdays, so plan your visit accordingly.


The Shimizu Fish Market in Shizuoka is a seafood lover's paradise, offering an abundance of fresh catch and a vibrant atmosphere. Whether you're looking to buy some ingredients for a seafood feast or indulge in mouthwatering dishes at the market's restaurants, this is a place that will leave you with unforgettable culinary experiences. So, make sure to add the Shimizu Fish Market to your itinerary when visiting Shizuoka.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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