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Visit House of Robevci

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Explore the Rich History of Ohrid at the House of Robevci

Ohrid, a hidden gem in Macedonia, is a city steeped in history and culture. One of the must-visit attractions in this charming city is the House of Robevci. This architectural masterpiece not only showcases the distinctive features of old Ohrid architecture from the 19th century but also holds great historical significance.

Historical Significance

The House of Robevci, also known as the Robev Family House, was originally a dual-brotherly house building. It served as a status symbol for the Robev family, whose trade relations extended from Istanbul to Vienna, Trieste, and Leipzig. In June 1950, the house became the home of the National Museum in Ohrid, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region. It was later protected by the Law on Protection of Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Macedonia in 1996.

Architectural Features

As you step into the House of Robevci, you'll be captivated by its grandeur and architectural beauty. The building is a true reflection of the old Ohrid architecture, with its intricate details and traditional design elements. The house's size and architectural expression make it a remarkable sight to behold.

Fun Facts

Did you know that Ohrid was once home to 365 places of worship, representing a different church for every day of the year? While you may not have time to visit them all, exploring the House of Robevci is a great way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history.

Things to Do and See Nearby

After visiting the House of Robevci, take a stroll through the charming streets of Ohrid's old town. Discover the city's numerous churches, each with its own unique story and architectural style. Don't miss the Church of St. John at Kaneo, one of the most famous and photographed places in all of Macedonia. Its stunning location overlooking Lake Ohrid provides a picturesque backdrop for your visit.

When to Visit

To fully appreciate the House of Robevci and Ohrid's other attractions, it's best to visit during the off-peak season. This allows you to explore the sites without the crowds and capture those perfect photographs. However, if you plan to visit during the summer months, consider an early morning excursion to beat the rush.

Ohrid, with its rich history and architectural wonders, is a destination that should not be missed. The House of Robevci stands as a testament to the city's past and offers visitors a glimpse into the cultural heritage of the region. So, make sure to include this enchanting place in your itinerary when exploring the beautiful city of Ohrid.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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