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Isla de los Pajaros

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Discover the Avian Paradise of Isla de los Pajaros in Holbox

Nestled off the coast of Holbox, Isla de los Pajaros, also known as Bird Island, is a hidden gem for nature enthusiasts and bird lovers. This small island, located in the Yalahao Lagoon, is a protected wildlife sanctuary that offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and diversity of marine birds in their natural habitat.

A Haven for Avian Wildlife

Isla de los Pajaros is a haven for over 155 bird species, making it a birders' paradise. The island is covered with cacti, mangroves, and brush, providing a refuge for thousands of marine birds. As you explore the island, you'll be captivated by the sight of frigate birds, white ibis, snowy egrets, double crested cormorants, reddish egrets, roseate spoonbills, white pelicans, gray pelicans, boat-billed herons, and even the occasional wood stork.

A Protected Wildlife Sanctuary

To preserve the fragile ecosystem of Isla de los Pajaros, no humans are allowed to walk on the island. This restriction ensures that the birds can thrive undisturbed and maintain their natural behaviors. However, visitors can still enjoy a close-up view of these magnificent creatures from the comfort of a boat. The birds have learned that humans pose no threat, allowing for incredible opportunities to observe them in their natural habitat.

Flamingos and Other Wildlife

One of the highlights of Isla de los Pajaros is the presence of flamingos. Around 40,000 flamingos visit the island from April to October to feed on little red crabs, which give them their distinctive pink feathers. Witnessing these elegant birds in their natural environment is a truly awe-inspiring experience. Additionally, the island is home to other wildlife such as iguanas, boa constrictors, snakes, horseshoe crabs, and a variety of insects.

Exploring Isla de los Pajaros

Visiting Isla de los Pajaros is a unique adventure that can only be accessed by boat. As you cruise through the Yalahao Lagoon, you'll be surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. The island itself is composed of solid ground made up of driftwood, seashells, and guano, creating a unique landscape.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Isla de los Pajaros is during the nesting season, which varies depending on the bird species. However, you can spot birds nesting and mother birds feeding their young throughout the year. If you're particularly interested in witnessing the flamingos, plan your visit between April and October when they are most abundant.


Isla de los Pajaros in Holbox is a must-visit destination for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers. This protected wildlife sanctuary offers a unique opportunity to observe a wide variety of avian species in their natural habitat. From the graceful flamingos to the majestic frigate birds, the island is teeming with life and beauty. Plan your visit to Isla de los Pajaros and immerse yourself in the wonders of this avian paradise.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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