Right next to the John Frost Bridge, the history museum of Airborne at the Bridge tells you everything you need to know about the Battle of Arnhem.
Airborne at the Bridge is one the museums in Arnhem that you can’t miss if you want the full story of this historical city. The small history museum is tucked inside the former Hartenstein Villa, the British headquarters in 1944 during World War II. Explore the totally free museum of Airborne at the Bridge for a deeper look at the Battle of Arnhem…
So what was the Battle of Arnhem? In September of 1944, the Allied forces began the biggest air operation in the entire world war. The Battle of Arnhem was historically significant and a tragic failure. Airborne at the Bridge museum takes you through the steps of a parachutist to recreate history for you.
Getting There
Open everyday, 10:00 to 17:00
All seasons
Open; online reservations recommended.