There’s nothing cheesy about this interactive experience -- dive head first into the wheel of the golden yellow promised land, and eat some cheese while you’re at it!
- “Say Cheese, Say Gouda!” This is the motto of the place that is everything cheese all the time. When people think of the word “gouda,” the first thing that comes to mind is the cheese. The delicious golden snack owes its name to the town of Gouda, where cheese has been their main trade game for centuries. Every year 650 million kilos of Gouda cheese are produced in the Netherlands. World-famous and authentic! Learn the process of cheese-making heritage the Dutch have so wonderfully preserved for generations.
- Going through this cheese themed paradise takes 60-90 minutes. You get to learn the history and process of cheese making. Ever wondered how much grass a cow eats in a day? Think you can guess the age of a piece of cheese? Find out all of this and immerse yourself in virtual milking, turning cheeses, getting a photoshoot in traditional clothing, and of course: taste the one and only Gouda Cheese.
- Are we making you hungry? If you’ve got a cheese craving that needs to be filled, check out their restaurant, with a menu filled with cheesy-goodness.