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Get the most authentic sightseeing experience. Check out these guided tours and skip-the-line tickets around Rotterdam.
Rotterdam’s main church is an impressive remnant of the city’s medieval history. Discover its history inside and climb to the top of the tower for some city views.
Known to locals as Laurenskerk or Laurens, the church is the last remaining piece of Rotterdam’s medieval history and the only late Gothic building left in the city. The building is a spectacular sight and has an impressive interior to match. Admire it on the outside and, for a small fee, you can have a look inside and learn about the church’s long and interesting history.
Getting There
Open, Tu to Sa, 10:00 to 17:00, Closed M and Su
All seasons, limited in Winter
Adults 3€, Children Free
We recommend to book your stays in Rotterdam in advance as it can get booked up quickly during certain periods. If you use this link , you pay the same price and we get a small commission - thanks for your support!
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