A national forest so great it spans through multiple cities! Step outside and get a glimpse of that sweet Dutch nature.
Also known as the Green Forest, Het Groene Woud is a massive stretch of nature in The Netherlands. It was named as a national park back in 2005, and has since been a Dutch favourite! It’s so big, it spreads across three cities: Tilburg, Eindhoven, and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Just how big is it? The national park is 7,500 hectares filled with agricultural landscape. There are 21 nature reserves within the Green Forest, and we think you should see all of them! The types of scenery you’ll witness in the park includes woods, streams, grasslands, marshes, sand dunes, and farms.
What can you do? Hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and horseback riding are all popular activities in the park! There are tons of paths you can choose from. Go by foot, or level up with some wheels if you’re feeling adventurous. It’s perfect for a day trip, but if you do feel like extending your visit try out camping on the property. Take new heights in a climbing forest, or stop by the prehistoric museum: both great options for the little ones!
Did you know? The whole region used to be a religious area in Protestant Holland. That means you’ll encounter beautiful churches and monasteries all around! You’ll feel like you’re getting a glimpse of how ancient Holland used to look. Also make sure to check out the farms, mills, and country houses in the area! If you’re lucky, you may even walk by the “bolle akkers” or round fields - a farming technique to shape the sand into fruitful fields.
Getting There:
Park is open 24/7; visitor center hours vary.
All Seasons
Free entry; rental prices vary.
Open; national COVID guidelines apply.