The smallest zoo in the Netherlands! Inside an old Saxon farmhouse of Orvelete, Zoo Bizar has all kinds of critters from snakes to mice.
Want to see animals up close? The smallest zoo in the Netherlands, and maybe the smallest zoo in Europe, has everything you need to meet these unique animals. We all love to see elephants and polar bears at the zoo, but now the little guy is getting time to shine.
Zoo Bizar can be found in the village of Orvelte. Less than 100 people live here! They say it’s a “museum village” for its pretty Dutch architecture and classic look. There are also 3 museums here to see close by the zoo! You can easily plan a day out with the family here and learn more about Dutch culture in this hidden gem of a village. Zoo Bizar is one of the most interesting parts of Orvelte. Here’s why!
What to see at the zoo
Getting There
Sep - Oct, W to Su, 11:00 to 17:00. Nov - Mar, W, Sa, Su, 11:00 to 17:00
All seasons
Regular 5.95€, Kids (3 and under) 2.50€, discount rates available
Temporarily closed until further notice.