Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa / Central Museum of Textiles Image

Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa / Central Museum of Textiles

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The Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz has been in existence since 1960. Located in the magnificent complex of the classicist buildings of the Ludwig Geyer's White Factory, it is now the largest textile museum in Europe. The relatively young collection includes a variety of textile fabric related exhibits: tools, machines and documents of former manufacturing plants, textile companies' securities, textile designs, unique, industrial and folk fabrics, clothing and accessories. In the world of contemporary art, the museum is known as the organizer of the International Textile Triennial, currently the oldest, largest and most internationally renowned exhibition promoting "fiber art". The museum's refreshing space with exceptional respect for history also includes the Museum of Lodz Wooden Architecture and the Interactive Museum "Kotłownia".

Permanent exhibitions:

  • With fashion through XX century
  • Weaving machine from the turn of the XIX / XX century. Presentation of machines in motion
  • Ludwika Geyer's 1828 - 2002 business -Tools and textile machinery in the collection of the Central Textile Museum
  • Interactive Museum "Kotlownia"

in the Architecture of the Wooden Architecture in Łódź:

  • Renovation of the interiors of workers' quarters of the 1920s and 1930s.
  • Reconditioning of the workshop interior from the first half. XIX century
  • In Mrs. Goldberg's kitchen
  • Our wardrobe- educational and animation project http://szafa.muzeumwlokiennictwa.pl
  • Crafts of the former Łódź - tailor's shop

There is a restaurant called "Łaźnia" in the museum. 8.00-18.00. http://www.cmwl.pl/o-skansenie/1/487,restauracja-laznia.html

The Central Museum of Textiles has been in existence since the 1960s. It is the largest textile museum in Europe. The museum's relatively young collection contains a variety of items related to the textile industry: tools, machines, historical documents of the factory, manufactured textiles, textile designs and sketches, industrial and folk fabrics, tapestry, clothing and accessories. In the world of contemporary art, this museum is famous as the organizer of the International Triennial of Tapestry, now the oldest, largest and most recognized exhibition of "fiber art" in the world. This is an interesting, renovated museum space with a unique respect for history, including the Open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture and the Interactive Museum "The Boiler Room". http://www.cmwl.pl

Updated on 27 May 2024

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