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Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru

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The Museum of Siberian Remembrance is to be the first Polish museum devoted entirely to the subject of exiles of Poles and other people of other nationalities to the East from the eighteenth century until the 1950s. Its message is to broaden and complement the knowledge of the fate of the exiles who were in the former the tsarist empire, Soviet Russia, and the former Soviet Union.

Since the history of World War II and its aftermath is the closest thing to us (we are still witnesses of these events), the dominant issue will be the Stalinist repression against the people of the Eastern Borderlands of the Second Polish Republic - the condemnation of the labor camps, the incarnation of the Red Army, mass displacement into the USSR . It seems to us that these events are part of the identity and heritage of our country, and at the same time open up a space of dialogue with other nations of contemporary Europe. We see in them the potential of narrative building, whose main advantage is not only the reconstruction of past events, but the emphasis on the universalism of human emotions and experiences.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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