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Faz Frio

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Faz Frio: A Century-Old Gem in Lisboa's Príncipe Real

Nestled on top of one of Lisbon's hills, Faz Frio is a hidden gem that has stood the test of time. With a history spanning over a hundred years, this restaurant has become a local favorite, known for its traditional Portuguese dishes and unique ambiance.

A Taste of Tradition

Faz Frio is famous for its mouthwatering seafood paella, which has become the house specialty. Prepared with the freshest ingredients, this dish is a true delight for seafood lovers. But that's not all - the restaurant also offers a variety of other traditional Portuguese dishes, including the renowned codfish, which is cooked differently each day of the week. This ensures that every visit to Faz Frio is a unique culinary experience.

A Step Back in Time

One of the standout features of Faz Frio is its private cabinets, a rarity in Lisbon's dining scene. These intimate dining rooms are adorned with wooden divisions, beautifully decorated with drawings depicting lost crafts and professions. Stepping into one of these private cabinets is like taking a journey back in time, immersing yourself in the rich history of Lisbon.

Architectural Charm

As you enter Faz Frio, you'll be greeted by the charming mosaic floors, iron columns, and paving stones that adorn the restaurant. These architectural features add to the warm and welcoming atmosphere, creating a cozy ambiance in the heart of the bustling Príncipe Real neighborhood. The attention to detail is evident throughout the restaurant, from the custom-made tiles that match the original pattern to the famous statue of a sailor, honoring a former cook who was also a navy officer.

Fun Facts and Historical Significance

Faz Frio has a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. It was originally a tavern, serving as a meeting place for locals and travelers alike. Over the years, it evolved into a restaurant, preserving its traditional charm and becoming a beloved institution in Lisbon.

During the restoration process, the owners discovered hidden treasures within the walls of Faz Frio. Old photographs, handwritten notes, and vintage utensils were found, providing a glimpse into the past and adding to the historical significance of the restaurant.

When to Visit

Faz Frio recently underwent an extensive restoration, reopening its doors to the public after almost a year of careful work. The restoration aimed to preserve the restaurant's legacy while adding a touch of modernity. Thanks to the dedication of its new owner, Jorge Marques, Faz Frio now boasts a refreshed interior that feels decades younger.

To fully appreciate the charm of Faz Frio, it is recommended to visit during lunch or dinner hours. The restaurant tends to be busiest during these times, creating a lively atmosphere filled with locals and tourists alike. Reserving a table in one of the private cabinets is a unique experience that adds an extra touch of exclusivity to your visit.

Explore Príncipe Real

While visiting Faz Frio, take the opportunity to explore the vibrant Príncipe Real neighborhood. Known for its trendy shops, art galleries, and beautiful gardens, this area offers a perfect blend of history and modernity. Stroll through the streets, discover unique boutiques, and soak in the lively atmosphere of this charming district.

Whether you're a food enthusiast, history buff, or simply looking for an authentic Lisbon experience, Faz Frio is a must-visit destination. With its century-old legacy, delicious traditional dishes, and unique ambiance, this restaurant captures the essence of Lisbon's rich cultural heritage. So, make sure to add Faz Frio to your Lisboa itinerary and indulge in a truly unforgettable dining experience.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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