Pastelaria Versailles Image

Pastelaria Versailles

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When Pastelaria Versailles first opened in 1922, it was the first big cafe of the neighbourhood, gathering the locals and providing a place that helped develop the social and cultural life of Avenidas Novas. After a period of closure in the 80s, the shop regained strength and nowadays has a big affluence of costumers throughout the entire day, which goes to show the quality of their service. They serve pastries but also breakfast, lunch and diner meals. It is a place of memory, and traces of its origins can be found in the impressive interior, the art-nouveau style of the furniture, the big mirrors and marble ornaments, the fantastic carving work around the walls and ceiling, but it is also a contemporary urban cafe, alive and thriving, and well worth a visit!

Updated on 27 May 2024

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