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Ponte Pedro e Ines

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Discover the Enchanting Pedro e Inês Bridge in Coimbra

Coimbra, a charming town in Portugal, is home to the captivating Pedro e Inês Bridge. This unique footbridge, opened in 2007, has become a local landmark and is affectionately known as the "bridge that doesn't meet."

A Love Story Set in Stone

The Pedro e Inês Bridge is named after the ill-fated love affair between Pedro, the Crown Prince of Portugal, and Inês de Castro, the Queen's lady-in-waiting. Their tragic romance has been the subject of many legends and poems throughout history. The bridge stands as a tribute to their enduring love.

A Marvel of Architecture

Designed by Cecil Balmond, Arup Group, and Portuguese civil engineer António Adão da Fonseca, the Pedro e Inês Bridge spans the Rio Mondego, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Partly inspired by skipping stones, the bridge is made up of two cantilevered walkways that join in the middle. Each walkway supports the other, creating the illusion of a bridge that doesn't quite meet.

Whimsical Balustrade

One of the most striking features of the Pedro e Inês Bridge is its balustrade, made from a clear, fractal pattern crafted in colored blue, pink, green, and yellow glass. This intricate design adds a touch of whimsy to the bridge's already unique structure. As you stroll across the bridge, take a moment to admire the mesmerizing play of light and color reflected in the glass.

Breathtaking Views

Visiting the Pedro e Inês Bridge is a must for anyone exploring Coimbra. Take a leisurely stroll across the bridge and admire the breathtaking views of the river and the city. The best time to visit is during the golden hour, just before sunset, when the bridge is bathed in a warm, golden light. Capture the perfect Instagram-worthy shot or simply soak in the serene atmosphere of this architectural marvel.

Explore Coimbra

While in Coimbra, make sure to explore the other attractions the town has to offer. Visit the historic University of Coimbra, one of the oldest universities in the world, and marvel at its stunning library, Biblioteca Joanina. Take a walk through the narrow streets of the Old Town, known as the "Alta," and discover charming cafes, shops, and traditional Portuguese architecture.

How to Get There

Coimbra is easily accessible by train from major cities in Portugal, such as Lisbon and Porto. Once in Coimbra, the Pedro e Inês Bridge is located in the Parque Verde do Mondego, upstream from the Ponte de Santa Clara and downstream from the Ponte Rainha Santa Isabel.


Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply looking for a picturesque spot to explore, the Pedro e Inês Bridge in Coimbra is sure to captivate your imagination. Don't miss the opportunity to experience this architectural marvel and pay homage to a timeless love story. Plan your visit to Coimbra and discover the enchanting Pedro e Inês Bridge for yourself.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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