Wine-flavoured ice cream at Refoškoladnica

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**Wine and ice cream together?! Well say no more! **

In the little town of Marezige, Refoškoladnica is a local pastry shop that creates biodynamic desserts, ice cream, and pastries that rely on the flavours of Slovenia’s wines. Yep, we’re talking about wine-based desserts and different sweet delicacies that you can bite into!

It's a much-loved place for the locals living here but also has attracted an international crowd whenever wine lovers come and visit the esteemed region.

Everything at Refoškoladnica is made with extra care and precision since wine-based desserts have less shelf-life due to the alcohol content. So, with that, the wine cakes and wine-flavoured ice cream are made fresh each day, with a rotation of special flavours.

Updated on 27 September 2022

Tips and Tricks

Each day there's a rotation of wine-infused and wine-made dessert and pastries. So if you come back a different day, there will be a different wine tart!


Opens every day from 9:00 - 22:00


Opens year round


Prices vary

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