Be charmed by Cudillera, small fishing port Image

Be charmed by Cudillera, small fishing port

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Be charmed by Cudillero, a small fishing port located in the Principality of Asturias, Spain. This picturesque village is known for its colorful houses and stunning coastal views, making it a popular destination for tourists.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Cudillero is its history. Legend has it that the village was founded by the Vikings, which adds to its allure and charm. Today, Cudillero maintains its fishing traditions, and you can still see the fishing ships docked in the harbor.

Exploring the narrow streets of Cudillero is like stepping back in time. The houses, painted in vibrant colors, are stacked on the hillside, creating a unique and enchanting atmosphere. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Church of San Pedro, a beautiful 18th-century church with stunning architectural features.

For nature enthusiasts, Cudillero offers plenty of outdoor activities. The surrounding area is known for its rugged coastline and pristine beaches, perfect for hiking, swimming, and sunbathing. Be sure to visit Playa de Aguilar, a beautiful sandy beach just a short drive from the village.

To truly experience the charm of Cudillero, visit during the summer months when the village comes alive with festivals and events. The most famous celebration is the Descent of the Virgin of the Guide, where locals carry a statue of the Virgin Mary down the hillside to the harbor, accompanied by traditional music and dancing.

Whether you're interested in history, architecture, or simply want to relax by the sea, Cudillero has something for everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready to be charmed by this hidden gem on the Asturian coast.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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