Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia
Museu de Belles Arts de València

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Step into a world of art and culture in the heart of Valencia. Marvel at the masterpieces on display and lose yourself in the beauty of creativity.

The Museum of Fine Arts Valencia is a must-visit for all art lovers. Located in the historic city center, this museum is home to a vast collection of art that spans from the Gothic period to the 20th century.

The museum has a unique layout that takes visitors on a journey through the history of art. The ground floor is dedicated to the Gothic period, where you can find some of the most important works of Valencia's religious art. The first floor is dedicated to the Renaissance and Baroque periods, featuring works by famous artists such as El Greco, Velázquez, and Murillo.

The second floor is dedicated to the 19th and 20th centuries, where you can find works by the famous Valencian painter Joaquín Sorolla, as well as other important Spanish artists such as Picasso, Dalí, and Miró.

One of the highlights of the museum is the collection of ceramics and porcelain, which is considered one of the best in Spain. You can also find a collection of sculptures, including works by the famous Valencian sculptor Mariano Benlliure.

The museum offers guided tours in English, which are highly recommended to get the most out of your visit. There are also temporary exhibitions throughout the year, so be sure to check the museum's website for the latest information.

The Museum of Fine Arts Valencia is a cultural gem that should not be missed during your visit to Valencia. It's a great way to spend a few hours and immerse yourself in the world of art.

Updated on 29 August 2023

Tips and Tricks

  • The museum is closed on Mondays, so plan your visit accordingly.
  • The museum offers free admission on Sundays and public holidays.
  • Don't miss the impressive collection of works by Joaquín Sorolla, a master of Spanish Impressionism.
  • The museum also has a lovely courtyard with a cafe, perfect for a break and some people-watching.

Opening times vary, typically closed on Mondays. It is recommended to check the museum's website for specific hours.


All seasons, as it is an indoor activity. However, it may be less crowded during the off-season.


General admission is 10€, reduced admission is 6€. Admission is free for children under 8 years old and for everyone on Sundays.

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