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Désalpe de Charmey

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Witness the Spectacular Désalpe de Charmey in Val-de-Charmey

If you're looking for a unique and vibrant cultural experience in the heart of the Swiss Alps, look no further than the Désalpe de Charmey in the charming village of Charmey, located in the world-famous cheese-making region of Gruyère in Canton Fribourg. This annual event celebrates the centuries-old tradition of transhumance, where cattle are brought down from their uphill summer pastures into towns and villages for the winter.

A Living Tradition

The Désalpe de Charmey is arguably the most renowned of the traditional désalpe festivals in Switzerland. Each year, at the end of September, the village comes alive as cows and goats, adorned with flowers and bells, parade through the streets alongside shepherds dressed in traditional costumes. This vibrant spectacle reflects the continuity of very old traditions and has garnered worldwide recognition.

Immerse Yourself in the Festivities

During the Désalpe de Charmey, the town is transformed into a lively hub of activity. Numerous stalls offer a wide variety of fine cheeses made the traditional way in the mountains, allowing food-lovers to stock up on local specialties. The air is filled with the sounds of live music, as traditional Alpine horns, brass bands, and local orchestras bring vibrance to the event.

Explore the Region

While visiting Charmey for the Désalpe, take the opportunity to explore the beauty and dynamic nature of the surrounding area. The region of Gruyère in Canton Fribourg is known for its picturesque lakes, scenic hiking trails, and world-class cheese. Don't miss the chance to indulge in a visit to the Gruyère cheese factory and sample some of the finest Swiss cheese.

Plan Your Visit

The Désalpe de Charmey takes place at the end of September, marking the transition from summer to autumn. This is the perfect time to witness the breathtaking spectacle of the cattle descending from the mountains and to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the region. Be sure to check the Gruyère visitor website for specific dates and additional information about the event.


The Désalpe de Charmey in Val-de-Charmey is a must-see event for anyone seeking an authentic cultural experience in the Swiss Alps. From the vibrant parade of adorned livestock to the lively atmosphere filled with music and local delicacies, this festival offers a unique glimpse into the traditions of transhumance. Plan your visit to Charmey and immerse yourself in the beauty and dynamic nature of the Gruyère region.

Updated on 27 May 2024

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