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The iconic Zeeland storm surge barrier that can be seen from the town of Vrouwenpolder.

We won’t blame you for not being super interested in water management. But, the Dutch are experts and have built some truly incredible storm surge barriers to protect the populations of Zeeland and South Holland. The star attraction here is the Oosterscheldekering - aka the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier. It really is a sight to behold and worth a look-in if you’re in the province.

The iconic structure was built as a part of the Delta Plan, enacted in 1953 after the devastating February floods which killed over 2500 people. The plan results in the Delta Works, which refers to the series of dams, dikes, barriers, and other water management mechanisms, including the Eastern Scheldt barrier. It's a massive 8 km long and is made up of 62 gates that can be opened and closed to control how much water is being let in from the Eastern Scheldt.

  • What a sight! From Vrouwenpolder’s beaches, you’ll get the best view of the Oosterscheldekering.
  • Road trip highlight: You can also drive across the barrier on the adjacent road.
  • Want to know more? If you’re interested in the Delta Plan or the Great Flood of 1953, definitely check out the Flooding Museum in Ouwerkerk.

Expedition Delta

Get active, learn about the Delta Works and see the best of Zeeland on this 214km cycling route. This mammoth ride would best be tackled over a weekend, or a few days if you want to go at a more leisurely pace.

You’ll pass 5 storm surge barriers, 2 locks and 6 dams. The route is one big loop, so start wherever you like. Along the way there are points of interest, where you'll be able to read, see or hear some more info, be sure to hop off your bike here - safety first!

Updated on 8 November 2021

Tips and Tricks

  • Another impressive Delta Works storm surge barrier is the Maeslant in South-Holland. It uses a different mechanism to the Oosterscheldekering, so it could be worth a visit if you’re interested.

Getting There

  • By Car: The Oosterscheldekering is along the N57. Or use parking near the beach in Vrouwenpolder.
  • By Public Transport: no access via public transport.

Route details

  • GPX & map: available here
  • Use the GPX/map to follow the nodes



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