Natacha Costa | Live the World
September 19, 2022
Taking advantage of what is** the most special in the city,** the lagoon Ria de Aveiro, the municipality of Aveiro finished, this July, the construction of one part of a pedestrian and cycle path going over the lagoon, connecting the city center (Canal de São Roque) to more rural locations. For now, the path is around 8 km long, but the construction will be continued. It's possible to use it for walking, jogging, cycling, bird watching, but also, it's a **perfect spot for sunset lovers. **
It's difficult to explain what "Ria" is. We translate it as a lagoon, but it's not really a lagoon. "Ria" is a female version of "Rio", which means river in Portuguese. In this case, Ria is a 45 km long and 11 km wide "lagoon", a place where rivers **Vouga, Antuã, Boco and Fontão **come together, creating unique biodiversity, and one of Europe's last remaining untouched coastal marshland. All that water ends up in the Atlantic ocean, through a small connection via Barra Canal, but it also comes to Aveiro where there are several canals of Ria.
Inhabitants of Aveiro love their new Passadiços, but not many tourists actually know about it. By the end of the day there are dozens of locals jogging or walking around, and in the weekends it even becomes overcrowded. Therefore, the best time to go is on weekdays, in the morning. There are two options to get there: you can start all the way from the city center (in Canal de São Roque) and walk an additional 2 km, or come straight to Cais de Esgueira and start there. **The level of difficulty is easy and the path is linear. **There are several resting points with wooden benches and even a small café on the way, selling ice cream, coffee and drinks. Along the way, you will find information about what kind of flora and fauna you will be seeing along the way and other curiosities.
Along the pathway, you will pass the Mataduços lagoon and Póvoa do Paço, and finally reach Rio Novo do Príncipe, in Vilarinho. On the way, between trees, bushes and grass it's possible to observe closely different inhabitants of Ria de Aveiro. Another curiosity is messages written on resting points, quotes of phrases and expressions that are common in Aveiro.
Soon, another part of Passadiços will be open, leading all the way to Estarreja, with a total of 23 km, glorifying this truly unique landscape.
On the way back, you may be tired. It's the right moment to have a local specialty - ovos moles and go for a ride in moliceiro.
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