A trip into mythology; Crete

Chrisa Lepida | Live the World

November 23, 2022

While living in Greece, even though I was familiar with all the mythological stories (indeed as I said, I grew up learning about Zeus and Hercules and a lot of other prominent mythological characters), I’ve never realised that the greek mythology is a such a huge topic of interest for people outside Greece. Questions and stories I’ve heard from friends and such facts inspired me to write this series of pages during which I’ll present to you some of the most mythological places and the stories hidden behind them!

After having presented the mythological facts behind Athens’ and its surroundings, it’s time to slightly move towards Crete and spot the hidden stories behind some of its most influential monuments!

The Archaeological site of Knossos

The ruins in the archaeological site of Knossos are believed to have been the home to King Minos and the mythical Minotaur who was held in the city’s labyrinth. King Minos hired the Athenian architect Daedelus to design his palace and so cleverly was it constructed that no one who entered could find their way back out without a guide.

The labyrinth within the palace was built to lock the half-man/half-bull the Minotaur, the monster-child of Minos' wife. Theseus of Athens, with the help of Minos' daughter Ariadne, killed the Minotaur and returned triumphant to his home city. This impressive historical site holds ruins of great palaces and ancient architecture. The partially rebuilt ruins paint a vivid picture of life in early settlements and ancient civilisation.

The birthplace of Zeus

According to Greek mythology, Zeus was born on Crete. The Dikteon Cave in south-central Crete is believed to be the birthplace of the father of all gods and for centuries it was considered a sacred place of cult worship where offerings were made and few were allowed to enter.

Phaistos Minoan Palace

Phaistos is one of three towns in Minoan Crete ruled by the children of Zeus and Europa. The King Rhadamanthus who was the second son of Zeus, was known for his righteousness. Indeed, he is considered to be the writer of the Cretan Code, the first standards of Justice, which was later adopted by the Spartans. Due to his fairness, after his death, he was assigned as a judge of the dead in Hades.

Interesting right? To be continued…

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