Armenian folk dances

Lusine Vardanyan | Live the World

November 23, 2022

If walking in Yerevan you notice hundreds of Armenians holding hand in hand and dancing traditional folk dances do not be surprised. Because Armenians like to dance, Karin Dance Ensemble initiated open-air folk dances near Cascade that takes place once in a month. You may think that all those people took private classes and it's an organized flash-mob but it's not. All of them are just random people who are passing by and stop for a couple of minutes just to dance with people they even do not know. There are few professionals among them from Karin ensemble with traditional costumes who facilitate the open-air event. Usually it takes place in the evening, on the last Sunday of each month. Many tourists stop by to dance with them or to take pictures. It’s kind of a big party for no reason.

Armenian traditional dances come from the depth of centuries. Folk dances are one of the best ways to identify the nature and cultural thinking of Armenians. These dances have a meaning and a history behind them. During the centuries those dances have been more or less modernized but they never lost their uniqueness. Armenians have more than 35 folk dances such as Kochari (Circle group dance), Shalakho, **Yarkushta **(warrior dance), Iskhanats par (Lords’ dance) and many more as well as dances that are typical for certain regions such as Arabkir, Moosh, Sasnapar and etc.


Armenian folk dances are mainly group circle dances performed during festive celebrations, family ceremonies, and other social events. One of them- Kochari, in 2017 was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. All the ethnic Armenian dances show the unity of Armenians. While girls’ movements are like a spring breeze- fragile and calm, guys' movements on the stage are proud and remind the majesty of Armenian mountains. But the group dances there are also traditional solo dances (one of them (depends on which one they like the most) Armenian brides have to perform on their wedding day).

The videos are from random Armenian weddings

Geographically, being on a crossroad of the East and West, Armenia always had a great importance and through its history, many times was attacked by different countries. This is the reason there are many worrier dances among Armenian folk dances. Armenians dance and you understand that it’s not just a dance but a history of an old nation where you see their power, will, pride and spirit… men who protect their motherland and families and women & girls who stand by their husbands and brothers as one.


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