Balkan Trivia: Where to find Tesla in Belgrade

Lejla Dizdarevic | Live the World

November 23, 2022

A genious to be remembered

I am sure you have all heard of him. If you are living on this planet long enough to use electricity and well, read this article, then you certainly know who he is. It is a genius without any long introduction needed. It is a person who has changed how people live worldwide, and he is a part of a rich Serbian history. Yes, you are correct, I am talking about Nikola Tesla, the most famous inventor in the world. Yes, you may find him in Belgrade and learn more about his counter culutural professional as well as eccentric personal life. Allow me to take you to this magnificent spot that hides all secretes about this beloved persona, Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade.

Nikola Tesla is certainly one of the most intriguing and well-known personalities of Serbian history. This eccentric, extremely intelligent persona, had a rather strange life habits. If you don’t know much about him, it is a shame, as his life has been filled with extraordinary events. His life marked many discoveries, a great rivalry with Tomas Edison and a constant struggle for the world to accept his innovations, which were rather far ahead of his time. Tesla was known for having various unusual life habits, including the fact that he was supposedly sleeping only four hours a day. There is even an anecdote in which Tesla only slept by allowing himself to nap in a chair with a metal bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. The moment he would drop the spoon, Tesla would be awaken and continue working. The most important Tesla inventions are the polyphase system, the reversing magnetic field, the asynchronous motor, the synchronous motor and the Tesla transformer. Unfortunately, he died alone and in great poverty, in New York City, at the age of 87. His work, contributions to the society and amusingly clever quotes will not be forgotten, and the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade is just one of the monuments that preserve the memory of this renowned genious.

All about his discoveries, work, accomplishments as well as myriad of interesting facts about his personal life can be found in Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. The museum is located in the very center of Belgrade and is the perfect place if you would like to learn and find out many interesting things in a rather rapid and amusing way. You will not spend the whole day there, but the time you DO spend there will be memorable. The museum is small but full of history and interesting exhibits that to a great extent illustrate Tesla’s life and personality. For all those who are interested to further explore the facts about Tesla, the museum has a large collection of documents, books and magazines, photographs, plans and designs created by Tesla himself. This is a perfect opportunity to take a look at something the inventor left for you himself, apart from of course, everything else.

This article does not even begin to give enough credit to the greatest inventor and engineer of all times. Nor did it really acknowledge all of his life and miraculous career. That is why I would warmly recommend you to go and visit the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, take a couple of hours from your time, and really learn about the man who offered you, if not all, than almost all of the things that you have a pleasure to enjoy in.

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