Byurakan observatory: The universe from Armenia

Lusine Vardanyan | Live the World

November 23, 2022

We read and heard a lot about skies full of stars in poems and songs in a lyrical way, but it happens also when the stars are described in a scientific way like here in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory(BAO). Astrologists like to say that besides calling it an observatory you can name it also as a place where the secrets of the universe are discovered. People were always interested in disclosing the mystery of skies, especially the night sky, that seemed to be fairy and enigmatic. Big and small, far and close stars became a base for myths and imagination. The night sky was visible but unreachable, while now, visiting the Byurakan observatory, you will be given an opportunity to explore the universe from Armenia, and following the stars on optical telescope, to open another world, that have been unseen and unknown to you till now.


Byurakan observatory is located on the southern slope of Mount Aragats, in 40 km distance from the capital Yerevan. It has been founded by the efforts of famous astrophysicist Victor Hambardzumyan in 1946 and officially started to operate in 1956. It’s a UNESCO documentary heritage site. The territory of the observatory has 58 hectares where you can find not only optical telescopes but also scientific guesthouse, House-museum of Hambardzumyan (with free entrance) after whom the observatory had been named as well as a garden (soon to be transformed into arboretum). There are no any other small countries like Armenia that have this kind of huge optics.

©Konstantin Malanchev

This place has done a revolution in science: the first time exactly here has been proved that in our days the emergence of starts is a continuing process and that stars are formed in stellar associations. While many observatories study already discovered objects in Byurakan observatory they are more focused on discovering new objects and thousands of objects like that has been discovered right here. Here you can not only explore the universe from Armenia but will also learn who and how in Armenia made universal invasions and how the sky full of stars and heavenly bodies are being examined. This small town with “silver roofs”, where there are pathways instead of roads and calmness all around brings here not only travelers but also young astrologists from different countries to participate in international summer schools.

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